High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

Hello Fenelon! Thank you very much for this thread, it’s incredible and a good indication of many things High Elf players/enjoyers have wanted for quite a long time.

I did want to drop in and offer some sources for a few of the artworks that are listed as ‘by Unknown’!

The very first image, of the masc elf with dreads, is a piece based on Solas’ concept art design for Dragon Age Inquisition - by Bash-a (on deviantArt, uncertain if they have other socials).

The third image in the first ones of the post (the dark, wavy-haired femme-presenting elf) is a concept of someone’s city elf OC (again, from Dragon Age Inquisition) - by Pheberoni!

I searched for the original creator of the Quel’dorei mount draw-over, but sadly didn’t find anything save a mention of it coming off MMOchampion.

At any rate, thank you for creating this thread and providing so many amazing examples of what High Elf customizations could look like! I apologize for the slight off-topicness, but given the lengths you’ve gone to properly source all other artwork or concept images, I wanted to try and help fill out what remained unknown. :dracthyr_love_animated:


You’re quite welcome! I’m happy to provide a place to High Elf fans requests to be easily showcased to Bilzzard and for the community to talk! (I’m also a little glutton who wants to have all the elf customization threads muahahahahha!)

Old Gods! Thank you! I’ve been trying to figure out where they’re from for ages but my google-fu is lacking in many regards.

Not at all! Ensuring the thread has up to date sources is directly on the topic.


The Quel’dorei were kicked out of Silvermoon by the Sin’dorei for not complying with unethical acts. Some were even brainwashed into conforming.

The Sin’dorei for the longest time also refused to let Quel’dorei return unless they agreed to become Sin’dorei. Alliance aligned Quel’dorei aren’t allowed to stay in Silvermoon either, and pilgrimages aren’t so freely given. Such as the Silver Covenant being banned and Alliance aligned Quel’dorei not allowed either. Alleria was neutral and they banned her as well.

How is that not taking away their home?

Then when they made a new home the Sin’dorei were essential in nuking that one.

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More than half of what u said is wrong lmao. Every allied race was a race we didnt know existed, stumbled upon it through the story, made it an ally, and is now playable. We didn know any of the races existed besides maybe zandalari back in class-wrath. And yes, it is correct. The high evles were the elves that founded quel thalas, and thats it. All high elves who survived the war with arthas and retained any sort of connection to quel thalas and the sunwell were renamed blood elves, including those in the lodges that belonged to them. The silver covenant are a small group who lived in dalaran and chose to side with the alliance instead of the sunreavers and the horde, probably somewhere around 200 elves maximum, nowhere near enough to be played. And void elves were a small group of blood elves banished for meddling with the void, found by alleria and her companion elves. That is like, at absolute most 100-200 elves total. To my knowledge there are no other elves from quel thalas alive other then stragglers, as all the ones banished to the lodge when the fel made its way into the kingdom turned into wretched. That is why i say blood elves should be the only playable race of them, u just said i was wrong without telling me how at all, so.

This, is not correct.

Aside from the high elves founding Quel’thalas and the majority of them becoming Blood Elves and that the Silver Covenant are denizens of Dalaran, this is otherwise not correct. Or at the very least immensely misleading and full of assumption.

Alleria and the player character were the only ones involved. Her companion elves were left behind in Outland, and reside (or resided as its unclear if they remained or returned home) at the Allerian Stronghold.

Your knowledge is lacking in many respects clearly.

I don’t feel like I need to give you an explanation on easily google-able lore information.

If you’d like me to go into more detail I can but your lack of knowledge of what has occurred regarding Thalassian elves is not something I’m required to correct.


Mag’har, Dark Iron Dwarves, Zandalari and Kul Tiran were all groups that already existed within the lore before being introduced as Allied Races.

“Under their prince’s leadership, 90% of the surviving high elves took the name sindorei (children of the blood in Thalassian, to remember the death of their king and brethren”

Source, the High Elf article on the Warcraft Encyclopedia, archived via WoW Wiki.

Look, we could go all over your arguments and fact check them, but after so many years of doing the same, who has the energy to argue with people that don’t really know the facts of what they are talking about? You dismiss the Allerian and Highvale groups, make up numbers about how many the SC elves are. It’s just wild, biased speculation.

I really thought we had moved past these sort of inane arguments.


Basically the WoW forums, generally speaking.

Or even society in general lol

This, please. I am not sure why hairstyles are still locked to races.


True, the last we’ve heard Auric Sunchaser now resides with the Blood elves in Quel’thalas at the Sunwell as a High elf representative, which is a more permanent position than envoy or spokesman. We also know that he refers to Lor’themar and Rommath as his lords and preaches unification between the two groups, which implies at very least that the High elves from Outland have no ill-will toward Blood elves, while some of the dialogue from Allerian Stronghold implies that many of them longed to return home but were initially hesitant when they thought the Blood elves of Quel’thalas were the same Blood elves they encountered at Firewing Point.

One could believe that they could have either followed Alleria, or simply returned home. My guess is the ladder, considering that we have seen no sign of any High elves accompanying Alleria, and if the point were to imply that they joined her we surely would have seen Auric or a unit of them at some point to demonstrate that development.

And I feel that Auric’s inclusion at the Sunwell, and him preaching unification is the probably the most conclusive summary, or at the very least the only indication of where any of them might have headed after the events in Outland.

What? The only High elves that were kicked out were the Quel’lithien High elves, and they didn’t even rejoin the Alliance they just went into isolation. This was basically confirmed in Lor’themar’s Shadow of the Sun.

Vareesa’s exile had nothing to do with her reluctance to feed on magic but rather her radical attitude and some implied grudge against Lor’themar. If the Blood elves truly held some grudge against high elves (which has never been implied) I doubt they would willingly given them access to the Sunwell, or let members like Alleria walk unguarded through the city.

Leaders of the Blood elves were preaching for reunification since the Burning Crusade, there has never been any dialogue that has ever said “High elves must conform, and take on the title of Blood elf in order to return.” In fact Lor’themar himself allows Alleria into the city and at the Sunwell for the sole reason of being a high elf and doesn’t ask her to renounce her title.

Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher has outright stated his intention to free the elves from their addiction, and unite them all as the proud race they once were. If the Sin’dorei held some sort of grudge toward the High elves, I doubt he would use this sort of rhetoric.


Lmao. But I mean, there has to be a bare minimum of research to have conversations about this dumb hobby of ours. Like it’s not prohibitive to have to read a bit to have lore discussions.


This is plausible but I’m not going to rule out that some just stayed in Outland either, paradoxical as that seems, as Blizzard has a habit of just canonically having people remain places where it makes no sense so they don’t have to change the area when we return… >.>

I also won’t rule out that Auric was just the only one. As thats also something Blizzard sometimes just… oddly does. lol

Didn’t they technically change their names to Blood Elf beforehand and then change it back to High Elf once they were exiled?

This is another thing I regularly see. This idea that blood elves hate the high elves. Its just not really accurate. Lor’themar has on several occasions tried and suggested he wants to have high elves return home.

And Vereesa literally made a militant organization to oppose blood elves… I don’t know why anyone is surprised she can’t come home just on a whim… Not to mention the purge.

And preferably not to use that lore in a misleading fashion to try to rile people up against one another.

Another common problem in Helf/Belf/Velf threads. >.<


I see a rather large chunk off them going to Stormwind since the Mage District is basically a Dalaran District. With the rest attempting to rebuild around Dalaran Crater with the other members already based there.

Sunreavers/Silver Covenant would definitely go to their respective factions.

I see Valeera working with the Alliance even moreso, leading to more Void Elf/High Elf reactions, with Athas being temporarily benched until Midnight when he will likely be the first to reach out to Alleria and/or Umbric. (Or he gets Void Corrupted since his lines on the Xenedar about being drawn to the Void Energies.)

This or Jaina offers them a place in Kul’tiras.


Oh for sure XD, that really has been THEE issue about HE threads since forever lmao.

Pretty much. And honestly it would be kinda neat making Valeera more of a Void Elf if she’s to remain a member of the Alliance, but her latest appearances do lean more to a “neutral” position overall. I feel the issue with Valeera is that she is so iconically blood elf, but they made the mad choice of linking her to Varian, an alliance leader. TBH I think that Midnight will allow Valeera to be more neutral than ever, because it’s finally about all the thalassian peoples regardless of faction.

And yeah, Aethas needs to have a void journey in Midnight tbh. How can they not use that Vindicaar set up?

But that wouldn’t work for the neutral populace; it has to be a neutral area cause yeah, the ones that do not mind joining a faction do have places to go. Hillsbrad feels like the obvious choice, but also got me thinking that after how involved they were in Azure Span, Kalecgos could reach out to them and let them settle a new main hub in the area (probably expanding the already existing Camp Antonidas)


It is certainly plausible, but it is well-timed that the moment the conflict in outland ends the very leader of the High elf encampment appears among the Blood elves, and that despite Alleria’s return we see no sign of any of those High elves accompanying her.

I think Auric was being used to demonstrate the mindset of the Outland High elves as unlike typical Alliance High elves Auric and his companions are more in-touch with their people’s traditions and beliefs. Notice how he takes no part in the Silver Covenant/Sunreaver meddling, and remains in Quel’thalas with Lor’themar and Rommath.

I wonder that myself since it was never mentioned. I imagine they must’ve if they were around when Kael’thas renamed them, but even that wouldn’t makes sense because they actually still revered Kael’thas according to Lor’themar’s Shadow of the Sun, so changing their name would feel more like an insult to Kael’thas.

I cough it up to a loose plot point that is being glossed over like the blue/red changes and other things.

It’s easier to keep the divide if they can convince everyone that the two groups hate each other, but usually that involves ignoring all the evidence of them cooperating and helping each other.

It’s never mentioned explicitly what the grudge is between them but honestly Vareesa creating the Silver Covenant to appose them makes a lot of sense, I’m not sure why I never made that connection myself.


Except, Auric isn’t in Quel’Thalas. He was last seen at the Sunwell in Wrath, but was absent during Alleria and Thalyssra’s visit, with no known location.

Likewise, the High Elves in Outland had dialogue specifically suggesting they wanted nothing to do with the Blood Elves.




The whole Sunwell was cleared out for their visit, that doesn’t mean the Sunwell is empty and unattended. Auric is there as a High elf representative for High elven pilgrims venturing to the well, until we see him again his last known location is where he currently resides.

He is until then, the High elf representative at the Sunwell.

Did you even read her dialogue? Firstly she expresses her desire to return home, so yes they definitely do want to return home, heck the tailor even expresses her love for the Farstriders which was her very reason for joining.

And her dislike for Blood elves was when she was under the impression that the Blood elves of Quel’thalas were the same as the Blood elves at Firewing point, which is not the case. This was obviously cleared up when they learned that this wasn’t true, and that the Blood elves from her homeland apposed Kael’thas and the blood elves they encountered, which is why their very leader is standing among them at the Sunwell referring them as his lords.

If this was never cleared up and they were still under this impression than Auric would not be seen among them at the Sunwell. This is like claiming that all the Blood elves in Silvermoon still worship Kael’thas because you can find dialogue of them before TBC hailing him as their prince.

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Which was not at the Sunwell.

Meanwhile, the Alliance had an Islands Expedition team named after him. Auric’s Angels. One can argue it’s just a pop culture reference but so was Keeshan in Redridge, yet Blizzard still brought him back.

Except, she doesn’t. She’s thankful she wasn’t in Quel’Thalas, and says she’ll never experience the homecoming she dreampt of. Quite literally, Terrokar is the only home she knows from then onwards. That is what she says.

I don’t recall Auric refering to Lor’themar as his lord. I do recall him being nearly executed on the spot 9 times out of 10 (well, more than that now), when anyone but a Blood Elf returning the sword results in Lor’themar trying to take it and getting back-handed for his troubles. The rest of the Blood Elves IMMEDIATELY jump to the conclusion that Auric is responsible.

Not exactly a welcoming atmosphere. There wasn’t even any logic behind it.


It was at the Sunwell, because he has not been seen anywhere else since. The Sunwell is not a small place, it’s pretty huge, just because he’s not standing at the Well’s edge when it was cleared out for the visit is not evidence that he ever left.

A pun easter egg name is not evidence of anything unless you actually see him.

Funny, if I say I’ve always dreamt of doing something, generally that means I have a desire to do it.

And again, this quote is made while she is under the impression that the blood elves back home still follow Kael’thas, which they don’t. You’re using a line from a timelocked zone. Clearly she and the other at some point would find out that they are not one in the same the same way Auric clearly found out.

Again this is like assuming all the Blood elves in Silvermoon still worship Kael’thas because they’re timelocke at the start of TBC like the Allerian Stronghold.

I suggest you rewatch the event then because Auric does refer to them as his lords. Additionally Auric even refers to himself and Lor’themar and Rommath as “us”, implying he counts himself as sharing an objective with them. Just before that line, as I mentioned earlier, he also refers to blood elves and high elves collectively as the “children of Silvermoon”. I doubt he’d use that kind of rhetoric if he was reluctant to work together with the blood elves to achieve the vengeance which they all seek. I realise that he only speaks those words in one potential scenario, but I would view that one as the canon one because it is the one that implies the most forward progression of Azerothian history and progressing away from the status quo. The blood elf version of events is unique in implying that some of the blood elves and high elves are able to see past their outside appearances and put the past behind them in order to work together towards a common goal. The other hypothetical just maintain the stagnant situation of the blood elves and high elves disliking each other.


Except we have seen the Sunwell since, and he is not there. Ergo, Auric is not at the Sunwell. The truth is, we don’t know where he is, or if he’s even alive. Given that the Horde and Alliance were at war between the Quel’Delar questchain and the recruit scenario for the Nightborne, it’s entirely plausible he was imprisoned or executed. The point is, we don’t know, because we have no word on where he is, or what he’s doing.

If you want to assert that he was just in another room, then the burden of proof is upon you.

Other parts of her quote make it clear she doesn’t approve of what the Blood Elves have become. The bulk of her disdain for them is not Kael’thas and Kael’thas alone, but what the Blood Elves became; maniacs who’d drop mana bombs on the Cenarion Thicket. Saying everything is different because they opposed Kael’thas in the end doesn’t change what the Blood Elves had become: maniacs who’d drop a mana bomb on a place like Theramore.

I suggest you do so yourself. Here’s the quest, with the dialogue. At no point does Auric refer to Lor’themar as his Lord.


Then the burden of proof is on you to find a source stating that is the canon scenario. Years ago you’d have a leg to stand on when Liadrin had Quel’Delar, but she doesn’t anymore, and there’s no evidence the sword she had was even meant to be Quel’Delar, or just a replica.


The group of elves serving with Alleria were granted to her use in the Second War because they supported the Alliance concept. Something Anasterian didn’t really want to support. He sent them and Alleria to the war effort specifically because they didn’t feel the same as a majority of their people(at the time). Two birds one stone. Stands for his people’s oath to Lothars line and sent away some semi-dissidents who wanted to go anyways to probably die in war.

I’m betting the Allerian Stronghold elves went both ways more than not. Some would, like other high elves, have been unwilling to stand with the Horde and some would just want to go home.

Aye… Another possibility is they weren’t there when he renamed them, came back, saw the potential “cost” and then left never officially changing their name… But yeah. Probably just a loose plot point.


And I think the purge is a big sticking point these days.

Like I’d bet the SC could have been handwaived by Lor’themar until then if they’d tried to come back…


Him not standing at the Well’s edge, does not mean he’s not at the Sunwell, to suggest otherwise is mere conjecture until we see evidence. Even the wikipedia still refers to his title as the “High elf representative” so the consensus is clear.

If you want to headcanon that he’s somewhere else by all means have at it.

Again, those Blood elves are not the same Blood elves of Quel’thalas so I don’t know why you keep using them as an example? After the high elves at Allerian Stronghold inevitably heard of the joint operation of the Shattered Sun Offensive to recapture the Sunwell from Kael’thas’ it would become very evident that those were two different groups. Auric clearly knows this, so it’s obvious that she and the other High elves at the Stronghold know it too.

I’m confused as to why you’re clinging to a comment made in a timelocked zone when it was clearly made before she knew the full picture. Just like how the Blood elves still worshiped Kael’thas in Silvermoon before they realized what he had become.

Oh honey, are you gonna make me embarrass you in front of all your friends?


If this isn’t evidence on how bias you are, than I really cannot fathom what else could.

They’re all potentially canon, the point is that these expressions are all possible and felt by the characters, it just depends on the player which one plays out for the character to see. In the Blood elf version of events we see Auric’s acceptable and desire to reunite with the Blood elves, if this bothers you then tough cookies.

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