[Customization - Race] High Elf Race, Customization & In-Game Architecture

Crossposting from TWW subforum!

Great Kyon, the Lamplighter in Hallowfall, delivers justification for something that a large part of the community would like to see, as showcased by the amount of upvotes on the Community Council topic pertaining to Alliance (non-voidy) Quel’dorei. (Note: Referring to this one!)

Paladin Quel’dorei Because Great Kyon is an Arathi Quel’dorei and would not have been present during the declaration the Sin’dorei’s Horde alignment, I would assume someone like him would be accessible to the player character Alliance side.

Sun-Blessed Yellow & Gold Eyes I would like to suggest Kyon as a segue into Alliance Quel’dorei paladins, and also having access to sun-blessed eyes (gold, yellow eye tints Sin’dorei) have as he indicates you do not need the Sunwell specifically to get such a tint.

He delivers hope for this wish and is an ideal tie-in to the question of Alliance Quel’dorei customization and paladins in general. :pray: :woman_elf: This would be a great win as character customization expansion is always a net positive across all types of players.

Edit: This is in addition to Arator, son of Turalyon and Alleria, also being an Alliance paladin with sun-blessed eyes. I hope with these instances, it will demonstrate the ‘Why?’ for Alliance Quel’dorei paladins and these great eye colors.

Shorel’aran, friends, and I hope you are having a happy Sunday! :sunny: