High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Or maybe you’re not as convincing as you think you are. People have different opinions about things, and that’s okay. The world is built on that idea.

Considering that I’m talking about the alliance loyalist faction of the Dalarani people, LOL.


Yea Dalaran has always been more Alliance favored than Horde. It doesn’t help that they’re almost exclusively humans or high elves.


Theres a difference between saying “green is a nice color” and saying “grass is not green. Grass isnt green. Ive looked at grass, and it is not green”.

People have already corrected the mistakes about lore, but its always the same lines regardless.


Grass isn’t green.

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Not on Namek anyway.


So then why do you guys keep doing it? :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Very true, mine isn’t very green right now. So there’s a good example of different pespectives changing what supposed “facts” are. Bravo.


If we want to get super technical here nothing is any color. Its simply the remaining light they reflect.


That’s why I live in a cave.

Why? We have a whole population of Dalarani Elves, and some returned with Kael’thas and became Blood Elves.

And the rest didn’t. To say those elves that remained on a human city don’t have their own cultural identity -and perhaps the reason WHY they didn’t return to QT- and share the same one than Blood Elves do, it’s odd.

Kael’thas and his Blood Elves were Dalarani Elves that re-merged with mainstream Thalassian society. Unlike all the elves that didn’t.


Now you’re getting it. By that very same argument, Blood and Void Elves are High Elves.

Did none of you play warcraft 3? So bad. Blood elves are the high elves. No high elves remained on the alliance side so you’re asking Blizzard to create a race and retcon their lore… again!

No, not even close. That’s a far cry from an analysis about the light spectrum. They were high elves, no longer.


No one is debating this.

Blood Elves, Void Elves, and High Elves are all Thalassian elves. But Blood Elves and Void Elves are not the “High Elves” being asked for in this thread.


There are 4 known variants of the Thalassian Elf Race that all started as High Elves until a significant life event forced them to change into various paths.

The High Elves being requested are those that didn’t change.


Youre late to that party. We have already established that they are all the same species, but that doesnt matter when so many allied races are the same species as already established races.

“But theyre on the same faction as their parent race!”

Except we have Nightborne and Void Elves

“But nightborne and void elves have different appearances!”

And so do many of the proposed High Elf appearances in the OP and responses. At least as much as a Nightborne and a Night Elf differ, or a Blood Elf and a Void Elf.


Ah c’mon, even after WC3’s High Elves renaimed themselves Blood Elves and left the Alliance thalassian elves could still be recruited by the humans. The only way to have thalassian units was to play as the Grand Alliance

Think that’s just a gameplay reason? Even going into WoW High Elves have been seen in the Alliance since vanilla. The game makes it clear that some High Elves never left the Alliance. Those are the elves that we’re requesting


Yes, I did. And I miss the nuanced writing of WC3-era Blizzard. “Morally grey” (lol) was the norm for how their storytelling was.

Alliance weren’t the “good guys”, Horde werne’t the “bad guys”. Both were both good and bad, depending on situation or the specific characters involved. The beauty of that game is that you eventually got both perspectives.

Night Elves were ferocious and cold, not the moon hippies WoW made them.

Alliance had racists and conniving backstabbers.

Horde had lovable gentle giants just trying to build some huts to survive.

WoW’s writing skewed that in the wrong direction. Alliance are the unflappable “good guys”, without any character faults or bad sides.

Horde are the “evil tree burners”.

I feel it being this way for years has influenced the factional communities. I see a hell of a lot more whining from Alliance on the forums and other social media, they have grown very entitled to being the “heroes” that prevail and get what they want. Horde still have their War Drum ambient music and survival undertones. Honestly that is why I went Horde years ago more than anything. The community on Alliance sucks.

It’s hard not to see these threads without thinking of all that. Suck it up, and move on.

Yet with the Saurfang stuff and the Rebellion against Sylvanas, perhaps we’re getting back to the nuanced writing. I truly hope that is the case.