High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

And proud.

That tree had it coming.

It ruined my marriage.


Considering they have different names exactly to explain their cultural and ideological differences, hahahah.


Thatā€™s why I wish Night Elves hadā€™ve gone Horde instead of Alliance. Since they were on the Alliance instead of High Elves, they made them into High Elf lite to play into the LotR fantasy with Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Hobbits (Gnomes).


Hell yeah. I hate having to rake up the neighborā€™s leaves.

Ah yes, those generalizations are grandā€¦

What if I told you that I have also played both sides recently and I have met more snobs and jerks on the Horde?


Iā€™m guessing it was map planning that caused that. They wanted Kalimdor to be ā€œmostly hordeā€, and the EK to be ā€œmostly allianceā€ but with a couple pockets of the other faction to instigate faction conflict on PVP servers.

Probably. Still sucks what it did to the lore though.


Iā€™d say Okay and not change my mind, since it doesnā€™t change what Iā€™ve seen. I literally faction changed because of it, and it has not backfired.

May just be your server? I used to main horde, but no longer.


Well a second thought, Iā€™m sure they wanted the Alliance to be ā€œthe friendly-looking high fantasy racesā€ and the Horde to be the ā€œferocious/monstrous onesā€. Alliance had pretty tree elves and lovable drunken dwarves, and the Horde had wild animal people. Thatā€™s how it played out, until BC and Cata anyways, when Alliance got Cthulu-looking men and feral wolves. Whoā€™s to say, but thatā€™s how it seems to fit in hindsight.

Map layout/control and theme/aesthetic.

Nah, played on a few. Plus various forums, and social media, which are of course cross-server.

Man, I remember the first week pugging M+ as Alliance at the end of last expansion and wondering ā€œwhere are the snide and sarcastic comments since that healer let us die? Hordies would have cursed at him and left.ā€ It was so odd not seeing nasty attitudes at first, but I guess I am also not in the mindset of ā€œno u cant have da AR u want cuz i dont leik itā€ soā€¦ to each their own I guess.


The Blood Elf narrative of ā€œDo whatever it takes to surviveā€ did fit the theme of the Horde at the start of TBC, but nowadays I canā€™t help but wonder why theyā€™re still there

I wouldnā€™t take Blood Elves away from the Horde even if I could, theyā€™re now and forever a Horde race, but it makes me think


Iā€™ve had the exact opposite experience. Got tired of Horde BS and left. Havenā€™t looked back. Except to get that pretty wolf mount.


Thereā€™s bad/toxic players on both sides, from my experience neither are exclusive to the Horde or Alliance. This issue has nothing to do with the factions


I agree with this statement.


Donā€™t get me wrong, the WoW community overall is very toxic. But thereā€™s a tone difference, one I am unsure how to express.

I really do think itā€™s a side effect of one side living in pretty castles defending the children from bullies, and the other side sitting in grass huts trying to feed their people as the War Drums beat.

Sounds silly to say, but I believe it. Itā€™s the writing tone, which has changed, and itā€™s what we live in and are surrounded by for hours on end. Perhaps itā€™s subliminal.

The thing that sucks about this is that isnā€™t what Night Elves were. Sure they were elves, but tall, muscular, savage purple elves. In Vanilla WoW, they tossed that all away to bend them to a role they didnā€™t fit so that they could have all 4 factions from WC3 shoved into WoWā€™s 2.


Theyve never truly fit, even with their addiction theme. Horde players who played horde before BC balked for years because they didnt fit and they were added for convenience. The tune didnt change until Alliance players started to seriously push for HEs.


I remember the flood of ā€œhorde is all Belfs now make it stopā€ forum threads.