High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Fixed that for you.


Well, they really should be salty right now if they want to be consistent.

Blood Elves are in fact on Alliance right now. Rather than give us high elves who never rebranded themselves blood, we got blood elf traitors.

It’s amusing that void elves existence completely undermines most of the arguments against high elves. It’s ironic that void elves have undermined the implementation of high elves by usurping their place as the potential playable ‘normal’ elf.


One thing is for certain. Blizzard has written themselves into a corner they cannot escape.


The Gordian Knot was supposedly unsolvable, then Alexander the Great cut it with his sword.

There’s a way out, they just have to be willing to cut something.


She’s only shown up once this expansion. Lets just pump the brakes on that first part of “showing up all the time”.

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My head’s still spinning from how quick all the talk about how the end of the War Campaign was going to star Alleria and Veryssr went silent.


Lore-centric races.
No more ‘made up’ or obvious reskins.
give the lore races their day!

give me a moment, it’ll come…

Ah yes!

Everyone gets something and no more of this forced ‘well you see…ten thousand years ago, while you weren’t looking…’’. That’s not lore, that’s just lazy.


Now on the list of things I didnt know I never wanted playable


They’re all made up.

Well except humans.

tbh as much as I want black dragons to join the alliance as a playable race because holy hell that would be some irony seeing how they started in warcraft history I think playable dragons will be in the form of a dragonsworn hero class down the line.

Your mortal form would be the race you choose. To justify all the specs my prediction is that wrathion solves the plight of the dragonflights that has been going on since the end of cata. The cost however is that new dragons are no longer born as part of individual flights because the way forward is that all new dragons born are a new breed of uncorrupted chromatic dragons. They can look like any of the 5 dragonflights or they can look like combinations of them all. Depends on what the player chooses for their character.


You, the rest of the Horde AND no few Alliance!
Conjecture is ok, as long as we all remember that’s what it is; conjecture.
Even my great ideas are based on what I want: all according to lore, of course!


Was that a typo or a mysterious race I have yet to hear about?

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Greatfather Winter has GOT to get me a new keyboard.

EDOT I’ll fix it.

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Figured it was the Vrykul. Just got a little curious if there was a new race or something.


Hmmm…the Vyt’hul!
…and her little RP engine gets to work!

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Agreed. I think that would be the best route.

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Hey, guys, can I ask for a small favor?

I want to update my thread on Sylvanas’ endgame, patch 8.3 and the end of BfA, but the forum doesn’t allow me because I was the last to post there.

Can someone reply to the thread so I can update it? It also features my theory on what Blizzard is planning for the high elves.

Link: Sylvanas' endgame and BfA last patch (Speculation)



  1. Behaving or done in a determined and forceful way.

It had nothing to do with tone.

You are, or were at the time, posting and responding to a half-dozen people at once – which makes the use of the word aggressive appropriate, and unrelated to the content of your posts completely (and, by extension, unrelated to any tone).

I’m genuinely confused by this understanding of things.

It isn’t an abandonment of their history, if a groups modern circumstances necessitate they behave in a way that is inconsistent with how their ancestors might have – if adapting to circumstance was tantamount to abandoning history, virtually every playable race in World of Warcraft has done so by this point.

  • Do any of us believe Anasterian Sunstrider would’ve tolerated Quel’thalas adjoining itself to the Horde?

  • Do any of us believe Dagran Thaurissan would’ve tolerated Shadowforge attaching itself to the Alliance?

Of course not, these groups changed, and adapted – and their history, both the good and bad, inform their decision-making moving into their future.

This is what many people want for playable High Elves, myself included, and it doesn’t at all require them to remain dainty or fabulous.

To be fair, this isn’t exactly an issue of abrupt narrative advancements being inherently problematic – because there aren’t a lot of people who don’t like Void Elves specifically because they’re Void Elves.

The issue was that instead of utilizing a readily available group of Thalassians, and those most likely to throw their lives down for Alleria Windrunner in the first place, they contrived up an entirely new group to then turn them into Void Elves.


I don’t support the use of the Human Rig. They are Elves, not Humans. And personally i don’t like the Human rig, i think the males are too bulky for casting classes and the females have bad animations.

If it is really mandatory that we are not allowed to have more than one race with the Thalassian rig in the Alliance i can tolerate a modified Night Elf rig, at least it’s a Elf model.


Yeah because blizzard has made belfs SUCH AN INTEGRAL PART of Horde lore.
/sarc off.
All blizzard did was give the Horde a pretty race so they wouldn’t go on being roflstomped in BGS and other pvps.
Aside from that, they have had NOTHING to do except stand around and look pretty.
For eleven years Lor’Themar has been Sylvanas’ lapdog and nothing more.
Lorewise, they’re already on the discount shelf.