High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)


If they hate high elves and the Silver Covenant so much, would they not relish the opportunity to kill them in Battlegrounds?

Agree they should be made playable and they can slay them and know there’s a high elf fan behind it.



I imagine hordies, especially Blood Elves, would relish the opportunity to face the “race traitors” in battle


But cant you already do that with Void elves?


Honestly, I’m personally of the opinion that every sentient race that isn’t 100% evil should become playable at some point. There is no reason why there can’t be Vrykul adventurers or Tuskarr adventurers running around. Sethrak, Vulpera, Tortollans, High Elves, Ogres, Forest Trolls, I would love to see them all become playable someday. There are some that I know pose a mechanical challenge (like naga & centaur with their tails & horse bodies making pants & boots an issue), but I will always be on the side of more playable options.


I agree with that completely, it is interesting, but I don’t think it’s basis for something to be playable.

I’m not going to lie, after seeing the boss from Botanica for the first time, I did start wondering why there were no Blood elf druids, but that was the time when I was new to the lore (I hadn’t played warcraft previously until my now ex bf got me the game… long story). But then I found out that rangers do go through some druidic training… then I found out that was only in the RPG guide and as such is not canon… and then I got sad.

You said I was posting “aggressively”. You enved used bold and underline for it.

That is you assuming my tone.

And you continue to do so, but ok…

I’m aware what this thread is for. Dissent it’s also discussion :slight_smile:

But back on their physiology, it seems contradictory to me to see so much emphasis on their “long lasting lore” to suddenly have them change the way they look when it has never been established that they look any different, particularly since lore out of nowhere tends to be a point of argument when it comes to Void elves. But hey, if if you’re ok with blizzard coming up with a random reasons for them to look different overnight like they did with Void Elves, good.
There’s still the issue of them possibly cheapening the blood elves story, though.

But no thank you, I’ll continue to debate. After all, blizzard needs feedback from either side.

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A fun and immersive conflict to take part in. Those that are for the traditional Alliance High Elves, and those that are a part of the Horde Blood Elves, clashing it out. Not only does it symbolize the conflict they have in lore, but it also symbolizes the Pro and Anti High Elf communities.

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Yeah, sure. But the more the merrier, right?

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They don’t need to be playable for the blood elves to have a public execution of the traitors, thought.

Of course it’s not a reason to make something playable. I don’t think we will ever see playable Pandaren Death Knights or playable Orc Druids. But it is fun to speculate on how exactly that happened. Who was this Panda lady before she became a Death Knight? Why did Arthas decide to make a panda into a Death Knight in the first place? Why did this orc decide to try to become a Druid? What Wild God did they receive the blessing of? How did they receive that blessing? What Wild God would even be willing to give an orc it’s blessing? It’s fun stuff.


I honestly don’t see how that makes any sense.

Why do we need to capitulate to the weak argument that high elves need to go beyond the standard set by other Allied Races in how unique they should be?

A high elf using the blood elf base model, with all the differences in the OP such as tattoos, hair and different skin tones are plenty enough to qualify them.

The only thing I see is Blizzard have chosen to give Alliance void elves instead of high elves, because apparently we can’t have what has clearly been asked for-- yet Horde get brown orcs and extra besides (multiple clans in one). People do of course make the flawed ‘vocal minority’ argument not understanding that forums are always a vocal minority.

There are two kinds of players, the vocal minority and the generally apathetic majority. Unless you make some HUGE gameplay change the latter group will buy whatever-- so it makes logical sense to appease the former group in respect to little details (or what is seen as little details to people who don’t care about lore and such).

To argue high elves haven’t been hugely requested on the forums, as a playable option and in respect to the subject of playable races, is simply being ignorant to reality.

The only way out I see is for Blizzard to have high elves join the void wholesale, but expand void elves to be a bit more like demon hunters-- in that one can choose the extent of the void influence. Afterall, this would make a whole lot of sense if one wanted to play a Holy or Discipline priest.

They won’t be exactly high elves with ranger-like racials, but they will in terms of story be high elves recruited directly from the Alliance rather than Horde turncoats.


hearthstone has made precedence for gnome paladins. Let’s make that canon and also worgen and night elves should get paladins as well.

Paladins have always been the equivalent to shamans on the horde. Why has it become the horde has way more options for shamans than the alliance paladins?


they could even build up lore around them being “Night warriors” like tauren paladins are sunwalkers which are warrior sun druids.


With Vareesa showing up all the time, I’m starting to think that leak with High Elves and Ogres might actually be the real one.


highelves . carrd . co

If people haven’t read this yet. They should.

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I do think Alliance need more options for Palladins. Looking at Realmpop Palladin is the only class where Alliance outnumbers Horde but just barely.


One step forward, two steps back…

I wonder if more people will finally understand that just tattoos and eye color is obviously not a viable option, which is why High elve have not been playable for 14 years now. I know some do, but this only makes things worse.

This would work if those brown orcs were given to the Alliance. Blizzard spoke of faction boundaries for a reason.

EDIT: And since we’re back at square one, I’ll just go get some work done.

I dunno, everything we’ve seen really paints the idea of a high elf-blood elf rivalry as basically wishful thinking on the part of the high elves. We’ve never really seen the blood elves overly upset about the high elves in the way the high elves are by the blood elves.


I’ll just leave this here:


Yet somehow that’s exactly what most Allied Races in fact are. This uncomfortable state of reality really does need to be explained by you if you want to remain credible in what you just said.

Void Elves are EXACTLY blood elves with hair and skin colour differences.

Except orcs have never been represented on Alliance. High elves have always been. There is a difference and you cannot compare the factions in that way. Oh and to remind you again they did in fact LITERALLY get blood elves as a playable race in BfA.

I really do think you rather overestimate the strength of your arguments.


True, but so many Blood Elf players are super salty at the mere mention of playable Alliance High Elves.