High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I feel like the tears from another Blizzcon where the pro side is essentially told no or just ignored is going to be epic.

Horde got them during Burning Crusade and that seems to be it aside from void elves which I’d say aren’t changing any time soon.

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You really don’t know as much about Horde lore as you seem to think if you believe this.


Enlighten us all, then.
What has Blizzard had the Blood elves doing with their time?

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I assure you that Fyorsing is more than capable of defending herself. :slight_smile:


Off the top of my head they spearheaded the Horde’s advance in BC and then alongside the Aldor fought off the Legion, they were the main Horde point of contact with Dalaran in Wrath, in Cata they spearheaded a couple of the Horde zones as the Reliquary and they fought the Amani in Zul’aman, in MoP they were the tip of the spear again for the Isle of Thunder and then were heavily involved with the whole mana bomb fiasco leading up to the Purge, in WoD they weren’t orcs, in Legion the blood elves were an equal half of the Illidari and again acted as the tip of the spear in Suramar and so far in BFA they’ve been pretty quiet.

My main point though was Lor’themar was always kind of a douche to Sylvanas and refused to speak Thalassian to her most of the time.

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Lets see, we were main focus of two dungeons, a raid and a couple zones in BC. During MoP played a pivitol role in a zone and a few story lines. In legion also there for things, MoP were there. Oh but Blood Elves have no real role in the Horde.


You said that so much better:grinning:

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Just show them this and they tend to go quiet.




By Talendrion




Why does the guy that trained the Bride in Kill Bill keep showing up in those?

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Silver Covenant NPCs in SW attack Horde on sight. The Horde counterpart to them does not


Do tell, head to Orgimmar - which is the game’s counterpart to SW - and tell me you are not KOS.

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Distilled down, they’ve been the vanguard, the shock troops establishing some beachheads and forward bases.

As for your main point, I would be testy, as well. Only the Gnomes have had a shabbier treatment from Blizzard, as regards story and development.

Not disagreeing with you on what they’ve done; just pointing out that others could have performed as well.
As far as anything special to bring to the Horde, all I can see from what I’ve played and seen is they’re…just there.
so, what’s to cheapen?

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That’s awesome!


Some of the portal keepers are neutral though. In the picture I linked, you’ll see the Horde’s Dalaran portal keepers are neutral and our Alliance counterpart is not.


No, distilled down they’ve taken lead on a number of the Horde’s most important operations. They’re the most frequent Horde race to have received spotlight other than orcs.

The blood elves are a core Horde race.

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I say this next bit as someone who doesn’t care if you have playable High Elves but… If you consider the Blood Elves as just there then what does that make the High Elves? brief footnotes of history?

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You forgot that Lor’themar held off waves and waves of Garroshes Horde while we assaulted Garakas. I can only imagine what that translates to via a cinematic.


Oh yeah, my bad.

tbh I blotted out the loss of the best warchief from my memory.

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Context is really key here, as this quote wasn’t meant as some sort of departure from who they were, and what they believed in, but as a gesture to honor their past, for those who died to ensure their nation’s survival.

Naming yourself something to honor something else is different than renouncing something.