High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

They were exiled because their freaky deaky void stuff were a legitimate threat to the Sunwell, as shown in the Nightborne recruitment quest when Alleria almost single handedly corrupts it. He cannae be expected to just let the entire race fall to the void.

This is agreeable. He really does seem to shift to wherever he believes will benefit his people most.

But with this recent exchange he’s saying it not with authority but hope, “…and pray that the sin’dorei stand with me.”

Maybe, but this seems more unreachable than how some consider playable High Elves to be unreachable.

It would probably be the only thing that happens in WoW that catches me off-guard.


I try to avoid exact details, as they are more likely to fail than the general theory. So, bear in mind my thoughts ahead are likely inaccurate.

The way I see it, Lor’themar will still be away from Quel’thalas when the battle starts. Sylvanas has purposefuly sent him to Azshara’s trap in order for her plans to work.

So, she goes to Quel’thalas, aiming to take the Sunwell. Her presence is enough for the Alliance to strike, hoping to end the war once and for all, and that’s what Sylvanas is counting on. So, the fight begins, we get our warfront or questiline or whatever.

When Lor’themar arrives, all hell is already loose and Sylvanas is using the chaos to sneak into Quel’danas and conquer it with her undead (and maybe kvaldir) forces.

It’s then that the void shows its hand, and Umbric or some void elves do a Wrathgate-like event of treason. The event brings forth creatures of the Void, the sky turns black, the high elf army is trapped to be transformed, and Umbric and his forces go to the Sunwell in order to get it before Sylvanas does.

Now, the Horde and the Alliance need to get their conflict resolved, or else there’s no one to stop Death or the Void to take the Sunwell.

(And yes, the final raid would be about Death and the Void duking it all. I can totally see a perma-entropic embrace Umbric with void wings as one of the bosses.)


You’re misunderstanding me. They side with Sylvanas not because they are loyal to her, but because of mutual enemies in the Alliance.

Does it end with a Azeroth is free! quote from Sylvanas?

That doesn’t seem likely to me, just because Alleria’s mere presence came extremely close to corrupting the Sunwell. Leaving it in the hands of the void elves would probably permanently taint it.

I know why they were exiled, it’s just in the case of the high elves he seemed to regret their exile quite a bit and extends help after. The void elves were dabbling in the void with the goal of using it to protect quel’thalas. He then exiles loyal people willing to go that far for the protection of their people and calls them traitors.

It’s just an odd narrative to me. High elves were exiled for not engaging in practices they found morally wrong just for their survival, for the good of quel’thalas. This created the divide and a distinction between the blood elves being willing to drain mana from living beings and being willing to power things with fel, and high elves not being willing to do so. Then he exiles a group who is doing pretty much exactly what blood elves were doing in the first place.

Alleria was right in front of the sunwell when that all went down as well. Were the void elves a threat if they didn’t actually go to it? Like, would they be able to affect the sunwell just by standing around in Silvermoon?


The Sunreavers are not an independent group from the Horde.

To me, it just seems like you’re trying to say the Sunreavers are doing this independently but nothing in the game suggests this.

“A trap” cannot be set if the information wasn’t known to them beforehand, who would be cunning enough to know this? Aethas Sunreaver? Isn’t he the one that wanted his people together again? Who else could it be?


Again, details are probably very inaccurate.

But there will still be defenders of the Sunwell holding out, and the raid is about Death and Void duking it out to reach it. No one would reach the Sunwell until the very last fight of the raid. And then part of the fight (or the final cinematic) is about staving off its corruption or cleansing it.


Actually I have proof it was on Sylvanas’s command.

“Baine is wary of us freeing him, as Sylvanas was expecting us and we’re falling into her trap. Sunreavers surround us, seeking revenge on Jaina for the Purge of Dalaran. However, we are able to escape.”

Magister Hathorel: Ah. Right on schedule as Sylvanas knew you would be.
Jaina: We do not wish to end any more lives. Let us take Baine and go.
Magister Hathorel: No, Traitor. Lady Proudmoore. Do you remember me?
Magister Hathorel: I am Magister Hathorel, one of the many innocent Sunreaver mages you sicced your Silver Covenant dogs upon.
Jaina: There was more violence than I had wished, but it was the Sunreavers who betrayed us, first.
Magister Hathorel: A few who were following the orders of their lawful Warchief. As I do now.

Looks like you were wrong here.


What I mean by that is I don’t think it’s likely that once bfa is resolved the Sunreavers who sided with Sylvanas will turn into some Sylvanas loyal guerilla force like the Dragonmaw Clan did for Garrosh.

Basically I don’t think they’re in so deep that Lor’themar would have to chase them down like the stasi.

So you don’t know how they will conclude this then?

Because like I said, even Lor’themar’s own words show that it may not be all Sin’dorei that stand with him. As some of the Sunreavers show, there’s some loyal to Sylvanas.


The other thing is I’m not sure how much I buy Sylvanas as some kind of champion of Death. We have an ongoing subplot Horde side with Bwonsamdi being a servant of some hitherto unseen Death boss and his attempts to convince the player and Talanji to kill Sylvanas (for a very rich reward, he offers to free Talanji’s line from their binding to him) because the undead keep souls from flowing to them.

Well, no one know how they’ll conclude it other than Blizzard.

What I’m saying is that I don’t think the divide is strong enough to create a blood elven civil war.

Sylvanas does care about balance, while both Bwonsamdi and Lich King do.

For this champion of Death thing, refer to my theory on Sylvanas’ endgame.


Booo, booo. Peace bad.


I could see this happening. I could see vereesa, the story prop that she is, in the process of stopping her sisters from killing each other is killed. Each sister blames the other, driving a wedge between the two. This would make the 3 sisters comic even more sad and relevant as its the last time they were together. Or maybe her death will be something that brings them together and stops the fighting

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No, but it’s not just balance. By raising what she kills their souls go to Sylvanas, not to Death.

If anything she’s sticking it to Death.

Bwonsamdi said she takes things too far, and, besides that, she also keeps the souls she takes for her own.

Exact words:

“I be all for war and death, but dat Sylvanas… she be tippin’ da scales too far. Balance be important! Besides, dat one got a nasty habit of keepin’ what she kills.”


That’s what I mean, Bwonsamdi doesn’t look out for human or elf souls so he shouldn’t care what Sylvanas does to dead humans or elves to the point he offers his place as head loa in exchange for her death, so it stands to reason that he does it at the bidding of his master.