High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

The O is for O baby, right?


What about my bano?

I’m just clarifying terminology lol

Two armies are about to clash on the field of battle and you’re just trying to have a dang picnic


O Yes, baby.

You better cut it out with these shenanigans.

Bunch of Jerks.


Pretty much this. It’s like when TJ from Recess got in trouble for saying “Womps” which means nothing because it’s a made-up word.

Anyways, I was thinking something recently with the whole “there’ll be more warfronts coming”.

If there is to be a sort of Quel’thalas Warfront then Lor’themar’s lines in 8.2 after Azshara’s defeat can be added along with the other times Blood Elves and Silvermoon have been brought up recently.

It could’ve been Blizzard foreshadowing it this whole time:

Lor’themar: I will tell my people what transpired here. Of how Azshara fell because we stood together. Of the threat rising from the depths, and all that is at stake if we should fail.

Lor’themar: Then I will take my place beside Saurfang and Thrall, and pray that the sin’dorei stand with me.

Another comment added to the pile of

Alleria Windrunner: One day, Silvermoon will stand on the side of the Alliance, I know it.

Vereesa Windrunner: …I believe in the Blood Elves. I think they can be redeemed.

…I believe the Sin’dorei will one day reflect on their actions the Alliance.

Magister Umbric: So long as Silvermoon stands with the Horde, there will always be those who mistrust us.

But the Alliance is where our people belong. I am more certain of that now than ever before.

Show our comrades in the Alliance that we fight for the same cause. One day the Horde’s grip on our land will be broken, and the children of Quel’Thalas will stand united once more. I know it.

And since we know the Sunreavers get all loony, that’s already proof of some internal strife within Blood Elves themselves. Since they tried to stop Baine being free, when Lor’themar wished Baine to be free.

It harkens back to Before the Storm, where there was sentiment by some Forsaken to take haven within the Alliance. They all had to be snuffed out by Sylvanas.

Will a similar thing happen here with “loyal to Sylvanas” Blood Elves? Are they all going to be snuffed out so that only “loyal to Lor’themar” Blood Elves exist?

How will this be conveyed in game, through the Quel’thalas Warfront, or some other way? :thinking:


Obv Blizz is going to force all the Blood Elves to the Alliance.

I keep trying to tell people that the Void Elves are going to try a hostile takeover of Silvermoon but they just say I’m trolling.

They will learn…


I doubt it, Lor’themar’s a pretty nice guy.

I’m loyal to Sylvanas.

Just try to snuff me out.

So if you ever create a Void Elf, it will be a Reno’dorei…

ba dum tss


Then how do you propose this internal Blood Elf conflict gets resolved? There’s already Blood Elves loyal to Sylvanas and those loyal to Lor’themar.

This is shown. How do you suggest it concludes?


The Ren’dorei were named after me, true fact.

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Sheno… ni…gans? Give me a minute I can make this work, damn it.


Stop lying, you are not fooling anyone.

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I will fight you irl at Costco.

They aren’t really loyal to Sylvanas, they’re loyal to killing Jaina.

If’n I had to guess they’ll just fall back in line when we inevitably kill her.

You two need to settle down.

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Maybe they really do want to just get rid of faction barriers.

Lor’themar can be all over the place. He didn’t want to exile high elves, and extended an offer of help once the sunwell was restored. Given how he felt about all that, it’s odd to then exile void elves and then call them traitors for joining the alliance which they wouldn’t have done if they weren’t exiled by him in the first place.

So I guess it’s hard to tell if it would be in character for him to outright slaughter those who want to follow Sylvanas.

But what is in character for anyone anymore?


And class restrictions.

It says it in the broadcast text that this was a trap, the Sunreavers were expecting them.

That Lor’themar wanted Baine freed means he has no idea of such a trap.

Since it is a “trap” that means the Sunreavers were told to expect the Alliance, they’re not acting on their own accord.

How can you explain that the Sunreavers just did this on their own with no input from Sylvanas loyal officials?