High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Would take forever but you’d definitely get more quantitative answers. If for example you tried to pose a thread here in the forums you’d get a lot of trolly or memey answers. Guaranteed.


We weren’t introduced to Night Elves as Dark Trolls.

We were introduced to Void Elves as Blood Elves, and then 2 minutes later they were Void Elves.

That, and Dark Trolls were an actual people that could develop into a full-fledged civilization

I don’t want Void Elves raising kids. Or procreating.


That’s a fair position to take. Honestly though it’s easier to come up with new feasible races for the Horde than it is for the Alliance. Can’t help but feel like we’re limited in terms of what would be popular and what makes sense to add

I’m just going to start listing other potential Alliance allied races off the top of my head…

Wildhammer Dwarves
Broken Draenei
Night Elf Worgen
Junker Gnomes

I’d have thrown Ethereals in there as well, but with Void Elves they’re a long shot. But out of all of those the one that’d get me most excited would be Vrykul


Not necessarily.

if it was a poll poll you would
anonymity does a lot to people

Not sure how I didn’t think of making a post, but I thank you for doing so lol. I guess that’s the general consensus that I expected, but I’d still like to hear from those who main them, if possible


well you have me :stuck_out_tongue:

The issue is they aren’t a race. Every single Void Elf is a combatant, just like LFD. You don’t have Void Elf civillians or Void Elf peasants. Void Elves exist solely for combat and war. They’re not a people, they’re a prestige class.


right now but they have time to grow as a race

I don’t do polls because they are easy to rig and I wanted to hear reasons.

Sadly, I didn’t want to be to specific with the people being asked because there are many different playstyles and wanted to include all to be truly unbiased with the answers I seek.

A race that has congenital schizophrenia based entirely around the most corruptive force in the cosmos and how to use it to kill people? Sign me out.


Sign me up.

Crazy = Fun.

It is starting to be shown as corrupt as the light is.
We have void elves showing it used for good.
And Draenor showing the light used for bad.

No one is talking about the Light here. We’re talking about the Void, and the Void is universally bad.

I wouldn’t call controlling the corpses of your enemies’ pets to kill them “good”.


I wouldn’t say that, because shadow priests?

O-oh? Is that right…I am just…uh makes the 14 ghouls hide.

But if you going to call the Void Bad then it’s fair game to bring up examples of how a supposed good magic is bad as well when using it to show off the good Void Magic can do.

War isn’t pretty. Good can apply to giving your team an advantage.

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I did write a reply saying about elune and dark warriors and players summoning the dead and enslaving demons but apparently I couldnt put images which I assume was an avatar

Applying the evil magic to kill people you don’t like doesn’t make it good magic.

A Warlock can point his demons at the Defias thugs in Westfall. Doesn’t make demons “good”.

Guess it’s a matter of semantics.

I mean, the Blight has given the Horde a whole lot of advantages in WoW’s history. Would you call it using the Blight for good?


I’m wrong.

For now. I hope I continue to be wrong about it, and hope the thread gets more responses.


Matter of perspectives, imo.

Yes, This is World of Warcraft not World of Hugcraft, although I’m a very Huggy Person. The Horde itself doesn’t seem to be having any issues with Blight use save for individuals who are no longer in charge.

Since Blight gives them a Tactical advantage in a War setting it does the Horde good to keep using it to their advantage until it is deemed no longer necessary to use.