High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I think they should of been Quel’Dorei, that’s what the story called for, The only reason they were not cause of the horde base, DEVs didn’t want another worgen outrage. So they gave us exiled Sin’dorei another horde aspect pushed on the Alliance.


Honestly, it’s rushed and sudden, and because of that it’s poor and shallow. It can be improved but it’s been almost two years Blizzard didn’t even touched it, and making them to flashy stuff in the War Campaign doesn’t solve the lore issues around their implementation and don’t give them real development.

Yes it’s me, i chose to main a Void Elf because i’m a big fan of Thalassians and it’s the only way i can play an Alliance Thalassian Elf (and also because most of the Alliance models are terrible) but not in the way i wanted in the beginning.


One of the reasons I started playing WoW was to make myself a Void Elf (so I could properly handle the knaifu)

And boy, have they been a massive disappointment.


I dont think we are done with void elves in the story though.
I think when nzoth comes out they will be a lot more important.
Their starting area has areas that are blank and hard to get to but still well designed with things going on there and other areas impossible to get to but clearly usable.

I think later they will get a huge lore injection.
But they started off with an awesome theme but a not so awesome start in lore.

I hope the Void Elves get more development, I just wish Blizz gave them some time to bake in the oven. If they’d been introduced at the start of Legion, or if the current Void Elves were created from the existing Alliance High Elves there’d probably be less hate towards them


We already went through a whole zone where people were being driven mad by whispers and getting corrupted by the Void left and right, and Void Elves did zilch there.

I don’t think there’s any story to be told that could make up for the bad concept and origin they have.


for me all i need is clarity on if the elves there are going to be transformed into void elves or its a non repeatable process and they are just shadow priests

The fact that they’ve been so forced right off the bat has no doubt left a sour taste in some peoples’ mouths

But I don’t want to bash on Void Elves anymore. Some players love them, and more power to them


Does anyone see a parallel with the Kaldorei story in BFA and Quel’darei story or am I just imagining things.


I also think its unfair to say their lore sucks right at the start of it because by the same metric you can say the night elf lore sucks because they were trolls that got too close to a well and became something else.

God dammit timing


“But wait until the Old gods and the Void comes into the lore and Void Elves are going to receive attention” That’s the issue, it shows they can’t stand on their on and requires outside elements like Old Gods and Void in order to receive attention, and Kul’Tirans did that better with K’thir, “Void Humans”. I don’t care about this, i want Void Elves to receive more personal development, and i want them interact with the High Elves as they are related to each other.


Exactly what I was thinking lol


But aren’t they “Void” Elves?

I’m not really pro or anti but honestly I’d really rather see something new on alliance side before we get high elves. Let’s get some less human-like races for example: Sethrak, Ankoan, Jinyu, Saurok, etc. We have like 3-4 different versions of humans and we have void elves so before we add anymore of those races Id really like to see something new first. That’s not to say high elves can’t be added, just that I’d personally prefer to see some new races before we get any more “subraces”.

Yep, they don’t have a thematic of their own, it’s Void thematic. Just like the K’thir which are “Void Humans”. They need to blend Blood Elven and Thalassian elements with the Void in order to make it more unique and appealing.


But the Void is their thematic and whole reason for being “void” elves…

So the lore showing their abilities in battle isn’t good enough, neither would be exploring their origins and how they relate to it, but it would be good enough if they got to talk to the race you want to play?
And its only those with a bias that disagree with you?

Thank you Reno, i think the responses says a lot. Even for the blue waifus.


The general consensus I gathered from those who responded is they play to be pretty.