High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Id be happy to see high elves in the game. It would be a nice choice for ppl who switched to horde at tbc just bcoz the blood elves were introduced. And give them an OP racial for a few xpacs too :slight_smile:


And I support Anduin painting his toenails red.

Vrykul would be great, kinda sucks we got KTs over vrykul. I know they took extra time to work on KTs but they still look horrible in armor, their animations are bad, their customization is lacking and the main thing is they aren’t vrykul.

I definitely agree that alliance feels a bit more limited with potential races. I don’t think Ethereals are a long shot though just because we have void elves, if that were the case then high elves are a long shot because we have void/blood elves and I’m not sure that’s true either but I guess it might be. There was a thread on MMO-champion that had fan art for ethereals and my god it was absolutely amazing.

Either way I think right now Alliance has a few new races that could be added. Ankoan, Sethrak, vrykul, ethereals, Saberon (for worgen possibly), etc. I’d much rather see some of these races that are very different from what we already have as opposed to repeat races like wildhammer dwarves or high elves. Once we get some new races then I’d be down for the repeat/subraces like wildhammer or high elf.

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Personally I think both are a long shot

It’s very possible. I think ethereals would probably be a neutral race if blizzard actually wants to do that again, if not then they’d probably join alliance due to Allerias interactions with them currently.

I think Ethereals would be a main race of a new expansion as opposed to an allied race though. They’re widely known and very wanted, they’d be a huge selling point so it only makes sense. People have been asking for them for a long long time.

As it stands, yeah, they’re probably both long shots but we’ll see. I think if we compare ethereals and high elves, ethereals have a much higher chance of being added due to their relation with the void and how that’s becoming a main focus of ours over time and also they aren’t too similar to any races we have now both historically and aesthetically. This doesn’t matter too much though, we’ll have to see what happens in the future.

I think they are awesome but as a blank canvas race that is defined by clothes that are bit of cloth wrapped around them I dont think they would translate into a playable race well

The reason why I believe Ethereals be be a long shot is because Void Elves already embody what they’d be about. It’d be strange to get yet another void themed race, y’know?

The Vrykul of Stormheim should’ve joined the Alliance at the end of Legion. It would’ve made sense, considering the Nightborne and HM Tauren, two races that both factions worked alongside all expansion, joined the Horde. Plus, they’re basically big viking humans

Sethrak and Saberon would be cool, but I see them fitting in with the Horde better


Well I’m not sure about that. We’ve seen ethereals in game with armor on so it’s definitely possible especially with hidden slots being available in 8.2 for everything but pants.

For example, we have highmountain and LFD which both look exactly like their regular races with armor on so if these can be added I can’t see it being an issue for ethereals. Same goes for high elves I think.

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yeah but how would you make one on the character creation screen?
You could have variants of skin tones and cloth style but they have no face, no hair, no anything really

The only reason they’d fit with the horde better is because the horde has very visually distinct races that don’t really follow any tropes aside from orcs. They have a huge mix of races on horde while alliance doesn’t have that same variety. That’s mainly why I’d prefer to add something like Sethrak or Ankoan to alliance so we can get some visually different races and themes on our side as long as it makes sense lorewise.

I don’t think void elves encompass everything ethereals are about though. Ethereals have a very different experience with the void than void elves do. Some things might overlap but overall I think they’re distinct enough.

To me its different to have similar allied races on the same faction as the main race and to have an allied race similar to one on the other factions side.
And to argue that void elves have put the barrier on the same faction is to argue for an allied race of an allied race imo which is just kinda silly

There was a thread on MMOC that basically had fan art for exactly this. I can’t post links but it was absolutely amazing. You could probably google ethereal fan art and find it. There’s a lot of options, similar to how high elves have a lot of options when you look at the fan art created here.

Sorry for derailing btw. To repeat and stay on topic, i think high elves would be great but at a later time. Id personally like to see new races first like Ankoan before we get more “sub races” and the like

I googled but could only find things like face masks which i guess could be seperate to armour…

And I would be totally for Alliance bird people.
Would be awesome.
Same for Alliance fish people

This thread is purely alive due to derailing.
Don’t be sorry

I don’t really see how Sethrakk could fit as a playable race in comparison to other races.

Oh that’s another one, forgot about Arakkoa. Arakkoa has so many customization options and even body types ranging from the big birds to those tall skinny birds. Idk if blizzard would go that far but that’s a good one.

I’m of the opinion that the Void Elves should’ve been Ethereals in the first place, especially since they were literally being transformed into them before we save them. Now that would’ve been something cool and unique for the Alliance

No need to apologize, it’s all good. This thread is basically a community lounge in which High Elves are a hot topic. In truth sometimes it’s good to derail the thread to help it return to a less hostile state


They can’t be because of armour which is sad.
Same reason I can never have my Naga which I want so so bad

Honestly that would’ve been a pretty good time to add them for sure, however ethereals would probably be very popular so it might be better to add them as an expac feature although I guess void elves were an expansion feature as well and they’re very popular so that would’ve definitely been a good time to add em.

I also think broken shouldve been added instead of LFD. We’ve had broken in the game for years, we gained rep for them in legion on argus and they’re a very different version of Draenei as opposed to LFD which are essentially the same with a few more customization options.

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Yeah that’s the unfortunate part. So many good races in the game like Naga or Sethrak that probably don’t stand a chance because of armor. It’s unfortunate. Ankoan could be a nice replacement for naga I guess, they have a ton of customization options already.