High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

That depends on your definition of Quel’dorei.

If a group of humans decided they are no longer humans but Blorgs. Are they now Blorgs and completely different from humans?

Because the 2 sides seem to be arguing different things.
One about the race.
The other about the chosen name and political allegiances.

The Story is what it is …


then you are arguing a different point and masquerading it as the same

No your just adding smoke and mirrors.


Quel’Dorei and High Elves used to mean the elves from Quel’Thalas.

Nowadays, the elves in Quel’Thalas no longer go by Quel’Dorei nor High Elf. So the meaning has changed.


My problem with Void Elves is that they feel like an advanced class of shadow priests. I probably wouldn’t play one unless I made a new priest, or maybe a mage

It’s the same issue I have with the LF Draenei. They also bring nothing new to the table that normal Draenei don’t. It’s like, “Hey I heard you like Draenei, so we put more Draenei in your Draenei!” There’s a reason why 70% of them are either paladins or priests. They would’ve been better as unlockable customization options like the night warrior eye customization for Night Elves

…Come to think of it, Void Elves are also about doing whatever it takes to survive, even if by questionable methods. That’s the same theme the Blood Elves had when they were added in TBC…

At least they’re cool though, and quite pretty to look at. Some people will enjoy them, but they’re not for me


If you stick with the story and don’t add ifs and buts its explained. Until more is added it is what it is.


Clinging to the only metric, which is all about quantity, not quality.

Go discuss void elves in any forum of your choice and watch the magic happen.


I don’t see whats wrong with using the available data to back a point.

It’s a copout when we are discussing quality or comparing to an unavailable option.


I’ve been thinking about making a survey and asking Void Elf players in game why they chose Void Elf

-Is it their powerful racials?

-Do you generally like them and their Void theme?

-Are they just the closest thing to an Alliance High Elf we may ever get?

Something along those lines. I’d be curious to hear what the typical Void Elf player has to say


People playing Void Elves en masse doesn’t mean much about the quality of Void Elves and their place in the game.

See Blood Elves being the most played Horde Race despite the Horde’s story never being about them since… TBC?

Lor’Themar is even a meme because of how little he does.


It might be hard to get a good response though as the last time I saw a thread spawn from these forums most people said they don’t even have a sub.

I actually been leveling a Ren’dorei just for the fact that maybe one day The DEVs will get it right & I can race change it to a Quel’dorei. Got the Silver Covenant Tabard and Cloak already to.


I’d probably go about it by whispering and interviewing individuals in game

“Lorithyn whispers: Excuse me, but I see you’re playing a Void Elf. Mind if I ask you a few questions for my survey?”

The only problem is this method of gathering data would take forever before I’d have anything substantial, and even then proving it would be difficult (taking screenshots of every response?). If anything it’d just be out of my own curiosity


that way would probably work but yeah very time consuming

Ask anyone that isn’t biased or isn’t engaged in a personal crusade against High Elves what they think about Void Elf lore and they will say: “It’s bad”, “Rushed”, “Forced”, “Unnatural”, “Not well-seeded”, “Bad fan-fiction level”.

There was a thread “Remove a race from the game”, most upvoted comment was a guy saying Void Elves because their lore feel forced and rushed.


and there is no way you are not biased because you feel they should have been high elves instead? no?

I remember seeing that. While I’d agree, It’d be better to get responses from people who play Void Elves, especially those who choose to main one


I’ll get to the bottom of this then.