Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Still easily offended, I see. Thanks for proving my point immediately in your reply.

Such hostility. You’re posting on a public forum. Do I need to ask your permission to offer my thoughts…or is it only you that gets to do that?

But… when I do it, it’s “making it my business, that isn’t my business”? Kind of hypocritical, don’t you think?

I stopped trying to convince you of my point, because you just get offended.

But if I was wrong, you would have dropped this days ago, but you’re still here… saying the same thing over and over.

Who are you trying to convince? Us? Or yourself?

Still you.

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They do, though.

That’s like me going into a thread about solo shuffle and telling people how it should be and what I think the rewards should be.

And I don’t PvP. I don’t even know what solo shuffle is.


Not offended. Just pointing out how you keep talking ABOUT me rather than WITH me.

You started it.

'Cause you’re not having a conversation. You’re being verbally abusive. Which is fine. Eventually, you’ll end up on the blocked list, if you keep it up 'cause verbal abuse is not having a conversation.

You’ve proved nothing of your point. What you’ve displayed is verbal abuse and sheer mockery. You’re not here trying to have a discussion.

I’m a forum regular and post in MANY topics. It’s not just this one. And, you decided to butt into a conversation where I wasn’t even engaging with you. You swooped in and began attacking me, AGAIN.

Again, I’m a forum regular and talk in MANY topics. If you do any basic forum search, you’ll see me posting in other topics. This thread got recently bumped up, and I got curious and began reading the new comments. Pardon me for reading and engaging with the new posters :roll_eyes:

Negative. Try again.

Well… you’re not wrong. I asked them a question about where in Classic pronouns are used. They posted screenshots for me. I said that proves even further that Blizz isn’t deleting genders and began using their proof offered to back up all of our statements that gender isn’t being deleted. Genuinely grateful that they posted those.

They flipped out and said I accused them of lying and raged at me over it before putting me on ignore.

Last time I checked, asking a question and then using the proof from the answer to that question to back up their comments and mine… isn’t accusing anyone of lying.

But here we are. Apparently unable to ask a question or we’re saying someone is lying. :woman_shrugging:t4:


This whole thread is about talking ABOUT people’s tendency to hide their lack of experience and then spouting opinions as if they know what they are talking about.

There is no discussing WITH these people, as the discussion always is ABOUT those people.

It’s an attention seeking mechanism in a way. People will only discuss your hidden experience rather than your opinion, because your opinion being completely divorced from reality is probably drew them to click and check your experience to begin with.

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Then your uninformed ideas should be critiqued upon their own merits. No reason to attack the person if it’s the ideas that are faulty.


Spending hours arguing against gaslighting is a waste of time.

Sometimes, it’s just easier to point out they never even got a single AotC, much less a Mythic kill when it was current, to dismiss their completely unrealistic expectations of Mythic raiding, instead of trying to reason with someone who’s just going to move goalposts and generally make a troll of themselves.

People on these forums don’t have a tendency to just accept logic and reason. They go full blown on the defensive if called out on bad opinions.

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The only time you should bother “checking the reference,” so to speak, is if a reference has been made. If someone is claiming that something should be changed, added, or removed explicitly based on their personal experience and are trying to legitimize their argument based on that pretext… go ahead and comb over their profile.

I just find it much more common that people check profiles specifically to harass people. I’ve had it follow me in-game.


I did a few dungeons on my Alliance character that was on Moon Guard, years ago.
Most of the groups hassled me for being on Moon Guard (Goldshire references, mostly).
Got kicked from at least one group solely because I was from Moon Guard.
Never had this issue with characters from Wyrmrest Accord. Never.
I also pretty much stayed on WRA because of that.
I can definitely understand why some would want to stay “hidden.”

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Not sure what you’re commenting on or what that even means.

I’d suggest going back and reading the discussion, because your comment doesn’t make much sense given the context of the conversation.

Alternatively, just stop engaging with them entirely if they’re operating in bad faith.


Unfortunately, our servers are never hidden, even if we set up our profiles to be hidden.

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You can condemn an argument without condemning the person making it.


The thing to realise is that sometimes, you need to dispell the trolls not for their own sake, but for others.

If we just let a bunch of non-Mythic raiders chatter about Mythic without pushback, other non-Mythic raiders might start believing the trolling, creating more people with wrong impressions.

That’s how disinformation/misinformation thrives.

And hiding your profile is to help push that. Thankfully, hiding your profile doesn’t hide your armory and if you try to hide account wide achievements or post from a Classic character, you can just be dismissed for doing so and will be.

If you want to have bad takes and just not be dismissed, don’t hide.

You wouldn’t make a good lawyer. Half of trial lawyer’s job is attacking credibility rather than the statement.

No one is talking about condemning a person. Your conversation makes no zense.

I’m completely on topic. You’re talking about verifying experience to validate someone’s ideas.

Your completely uninformed opinion about Solo Shuffle could be the fresh perspective people had been waiting for. Unlikely, but possible. Alternatively, it could be a terrible idea. In neither case do you need to verify that the opinion is “legitimate.” The idea should be judged on its own merit.


I’d like for you to show me where I said anything about condemning people or that no one should be able to post. I’ll wait.

It’s also hilarious how Estalyia is blindly agreeing with your nonsense, just because they have a grudge against me for something that never happened, so they keep hitting like.

Some people are not capable of this.

While the majority of those using hidden profiles are just trying to hide their posting history or make it really obnoxious to look up said history, there are a few that have done so to avoid harassment. I personally leave my profile open as I have nothing to hide. If I make a post, I expect it to be viewable by whomever wants to see it. For me, hiding my profile would be pure pettiness. I’d prefer to be open and transparent. I understand both sides of that coin though, so I generally just go “whatever” if someone chooses to hide their profile.


Good example.

Go read Rocktoes’ takes on it in this thread :

Guy literally admits never having played a single match and is arguing tooth and nail that the OP and other people’s complaints are wrong and that the system is fun as is. Fun. Something he’d need to have played a game to even know.

That is why attacks on credibility are more effective than engaging with the argument. Because trolls don’t care about actually changing their minds if confronted by reason, they’ll just double, triple down.

That’s also why in trials, witness credibility gets brought up. It’s much easier to prove someone is not credible, than to prove they totes weren’t with the perp the night it happened as they are claiming.

It’s not a question of capability, it’s a question of effectiveness.

Proving someone’s lack of experience is easier than engaging with gaslighting and goalpost moves and general bad faith trolling.