Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

I’ll take my own advice. :slight_smile: Have a good one!


Except no one here is arguing in bad faith. Except maybe you at this point.

If you can admit the credibility angle is legit, you’re acting in pretty bad faith.

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Oh so that is why we have so many classic toons posting, makes sense now.

This is why they need to go to battle tag name and do away with alt trolling but still let us customize our portrait. :slightly_smiling_face:


Only if it’s a line under our character names. We fought to have our characters here on the WoW forum, because this is part of our game.

In my opinion, the idea is greatly diminished when it’s based on ignorance.


Which is easily spotted, once the conversation goes deeper.

And no one said to the contrary. But please keep blindly liking nonsensical posts that argue against those you have on ignore out of spite. :+1:

It is done so that you can’t set them to ignore.

You can set hidden profiles on ignore. But, as I said, at the very beginning of this thread:

Pointing out your hypocrisy isn’t abuse. Sorry! In fact, I actually was taking it very easy on you. Like when I didn’t outright call you a coward, and just said you were being cowardly. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

I was hoping you would stop beating this dead horse, and just end the endless defense. But it’s clear you just like the attention.

It’s quite clear you are extremely immature with the way you’re acting. Hopefully you learn to be better soon, especially as you’re about to be a mom. Congrats on that, by the way.

I know I’m not. It’s my job to diagnose this type of thing. She just doesn’t like hearing it… which is fine. I’m not her therapist.

On an unrelated note… When did we start agreeing on things?

Didn’t we used to be arch enemies at one point? :rofl:

Did you get less douchey, or did I?

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I don’t know! LOL

We drove each other nuts, but I never hated ya. :kissing_heart:


Well, I did take a 6 month break from all things WoW, so maybe I learned to chill out a bit.



I took a break too. So maybe we both did a bit. LOL


But they did [Remove pronouns in ability tooltips]. It’s been replaced, any reference to your character with tooltips from he/him & she/her, with “Your” or otherwise just not referring to any pronouns at all. If you end up finding one, I’ll take it all back and agree that you’re correct.

This is entirely wrong. I specifically say quite clearly in the original post “I know why I hide my profile. Why do you do it? (hide your profile)” in that I was talking specifically TO other people who hide their profile. Not to mention it’s literally in the title. “Why do you do it?”

None of you with public profiles were intended to be here in the first place as nothing was about you or what you had to say at all, just other people who hide their profile. I just can’t stop you from saying anything, but I can point how oblivious you really are to even reading a 3 sentence long post if you’re incorrectly saying that it was about your opinions all along.

You really like to only talk about “putting people who lack the same exact experience as me in their place” a lot all over the forum. I’ve yet to see you talk about anything that isn’t relevant to your “top 0.5% esteem”. You need to find a new hobby.

What has this topic devolved into this time?

I haven’t been watching it, just came back because I had 57 notifications from it. So I don’t know.


The simplest solution is to not care what strangers on the internet think. It’s freeing.

It’s still in Classic. That’s what Estalyia showed me.

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I’m a little too tired to leave my game and switch to Classic to check for myself, so I’ll take your word for it.

It is in classic, oddly for like ONE DK ability and none of the others - I couldn’t find them in any other ability.