Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

They just go back and edit posts and accuse people of deleting things whenever they get caught looking stupid. Not worth the time or effort to deal with her.

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if people are looking through your stuff, they usually don’t have ‘innocent’ intentions - they are looking for a reason and very often will comment on what they see.

I don’t like people tracking me down in game and just posting on an alt generally isn’t enough because pets can be tracked by people who are serious about in game harassment.


Because I value my freedom of speech (long live Elon Musk!) and I was being stalked by a cray cray. Even though there are other ways to look up someone’s profile (other characters or aka: stalking). It’s just another line of defence to avoid toxicity from the usual forum dwellers. The cray cray knows who she is…

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But I can see your profile though even with it hidden. I hide my retail one only cuz two people like to stalk me on the forums as soon as I began to hide it, the stalking stopped from both. And I post on this toon cuz it is kinda my fav toon but not really.

  • Click on your Avatar, in the upper right hand corner. It’ll drop down a window with three icons at the top: Notification Bell, Bookmark & Preferences (looks like a person).
  • Click on the Person Looking Icon. It’ll provide the following options: Summary, Activity, Drafts, Preferences, Do Not Disturb & Change Character.
  • Click on Preferences. It’ll take you to your profile, under the “Preferences” page with the following options: Account, Security, Notifications, Categories, Users & Interface.
  • Click on Interface. You’ll see some boxes that you can check mark.
  • Check mark the box that says “Hide my public profile and presence features”.
  • Then click on the button that says “Save Changes”.

Your profile should now be hidden. You can always change your mind, by following these steps and simply unchecking the box that says “Hide my public profile and presence features” and saving your change.

Good luck foruming!

Forum trolls are often magnificent cowards, OP. That is why they do it.


I like anonymity. I use a random classic alt I began leveling and stopped, plus profile is hidden. They don’t need to know who I am outside of the forums… them not being able to whisper me personally in-game isn’t going to change my opinions or views. I’m still me, my account can still be banned. If people wanna attack people like myself for it… go for gold.

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I don’t…I really don’t see the point of it.

I don’t care is someone hides their character profile, I just take anything they say related to experience at certain content with a mountain sized grain of salt.

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Even if they can prove their point? :thinking:

I don’t hide mine but there seems to be some creepy people here I’ve seen boast about stalking people/tracking.

People who admit to stalking through post history are yikes


Anyone hiding a full view of their transmog is not to be trusted.

My profile should always be open for viewing.

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If someone is offering their opinion on something, I want to be able to see that they have experience with that topic. I mean if I gave you some recommendations on stocks to buy, wouldn’t you want to know if I had a damn clue what I was talking about before you took my advice?


And that’s precisely why I specifically don’t post on my main account.

There’s only very specific circumstances in which feedback needs to be qualified by a specific level of experience. Mythic raiders pushing keys in the 30s can offer feedback on open world casual content, just as a pet collector can offer feedback on loot rarity in dungeons.

If you feel motivated to discredit an argument based on the qualities of the person offering it, stop yourself. Attack the argument. Not the person.

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Do you need to see someone being “experienced” in something for every opinion that they hold?

Opinion =/= advice

These forums are meant for discussion/exchanging of opinions. Not who’s “experienced” in what.

Anyone trying to force their “opinions” on anyone, I really don’t need to see if they’re “experienced” in the subject matter. I’m just not going to entertain with their aggression 'cause it’s not even a discussion nor exchanging of opinions, at that point :woman_shrugging:

thats actually kinda weird if anyone come at me with that attitude id say go figure it out for your self

You can discuss what ever you want, I never said otherwise. What I am saying is (for example) if you want to give your opinion on what is wrong with mythic raiding, I want to see that you actually have some level of experience with that topic. Otherwise you are not offering an opinion founded by personal experience but instead just an assumption or what you heard from others.

Honestly it doesn’t matter, you feel differently and that is perfectly fine :slight_smile:

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Opinions don’t require “experience” nor anything else you said. Like I said, opinions most definitely can be wrong. And can be proven to be so by holding a conversation/actually discussing the topic at hand 'cause the truth is the truth.

I just find letting folks talk your ear off tends to reveal the truth without needing to go profile digging.

The fact you’ve been in here for days defending the fact you hide your post history, proves you care way too much about other people’s opinions.

Also, someone that spends that much time and effort saying “I have nothing to hide!” …is most likely hiding something. (being shady? hmm)

The Lady doth protest too much, methinks.

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Still talking about my character, I see.

I’m just enjoying hearing/reading other people’s opinions and equally conversing with them. That’s how a conversation works.

What else do you want to know? I’ve shown my main. I’ve admitted to changing my mind. What else do you want to make your business, that really isn’t your business? I’ll tell you, if you just…IDK…ASK.

The Lady doth speaks a lot. I like talking and hearing people’s thoughts. That’s what these forums are. You’re very obsessed with wanting to profile dig, IDK why. You seem very disinterested in having/carrying a conversation. And, you keep proving my point about how much you want to talk ABOUT people rather than WITH them.

So, who’s the one not being honest, here? :thinking: