Remove Tanks from Solo Shuffle

This is toxic as funk… it just needs to not be a thing anymore. I would rather wait 20mins for a Queue with a healer than 4 mins to Queue with a tank that cant tell PvP from a group of mobs in a Mythic…


I haven’t tried solo shuffle yet but I thought tanks were supposed to only queue into other tanks?

They do but a lot of specs like ele can’t really function well without support from a healer.


Can you set your posting rage aside for a just a second and try to give a valid reason that we can all understand?

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this is worded hilariously, but I agree with OP. Bears, prot pally’s and blood dk’s, oh my. If you don’t know, why reply lol.

Valid Reason: Most PvP DPS specs for Arena are centered around a Healer… Not a tank that came from Mythics…

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How is a tank from mythic and different then a DPS or healer from mythic? While I may agree tanks are not really as valuable in shuffle as they can be in something like a BG, there is no reason to just remove them from being able to play it either. After all the goal in shuffle is to get the first kill each round, so at least you know most people won’t be going after your “tank” and the opposing teams “tank” isn’t probably going to nuke someone down either.

Some classes like spriest and warlock require healers in order to actually play the game in a 3v3 arena.

When you Que in with a tank you don’t get any heals and just flop over.

Tanks should be banned from solo shuffle

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The difference is a healer is looking out for the team They heal if its PvP or PvE… A dps is “DPSING” PvE or PvP… Tanks in PvE Setting are just banging heads on Mobs/Bosses… PvP is not the place for that…

You need to use Everything you were given to help your team including the smallest of heals and life saves…

People wont be going after your tank? so then Solo shuffle is now 2v2 with 2 extra chars nobody wants to go after?

Tanks in shuffle are not helpful. Period. Occasionally you get a PvP Oriented tank and the whole match is one sided otherwise the whole match is awkward and horrid…

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No, solo shuffle is probably not the place for that. Having a tank as a flag carrier or protected a node works well. Their additional survivability and utility excels for such roles. The problem with shuffle is it is all about getting that first kill, there is no strategy beyond that.

Lets be honest, they are not going to ban tanks from taking part in shuffle…

Tanks in BGs make sense Yes. If they excel at it… But in Arena, Solo Shuffle… Tanks are not ideal and should not be an option.

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And we both know that isn’t going to happen.


I’m a tad confused…

Are you upset because there’s tanks in your queues, or because they may have PvE gear that can be better than whatever PvP gear is available to them?

And I don’t know if I’d say tanks have no place in arena. I’m not a big PvP buff but I think specs like Blood DK can perform well, and Prot Warriors can be CC nightmares.

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Has nothing to do with PvE/PvP gear… Or what a tanks brings to a fight… Its what a tank takes away by taking away our Healer… 2 DPS with a Healer is nothing like 2 DPS with a tank…

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This is where you mean well but really don’t know what you’re talking about.

They don’t. At all.

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The issue is you get either a tank or a healer in shuffle. So tanks can replace the healer role and leave you without one.

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The problem is a lot of tank players don’t use their utility at all though. They just sit mid and spam thrash or whatever. With healers you at least know they’re going to heal at the bare minimum.

Which is why no one will respect solo shuffle rating and it will get the RBG treatment.

If you want to choose who you play with, why not just play arenas?


I’m not claiming to! I’m trying to parse what, exactly, the OP is upset about because he’s not exactly being clear.

And of course my own experiences apply. I just remember being stuck in Thunder Clap hell with a melee class where I was rooted every couple of seconds.