Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Internet trolls = BAD

Forum Trolls = GOOD!

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No I don’t :slight_smile:

Yah be paintin’ with a big brush mon…


I don’t want to waste my time talking about a situation to someone who has never been in that situation.

There are multiple games in this 1 game:

World first Mythic Raiding

Mythic Raiding

Heroic, normal Raiding



25 -30




Not one of those are played the same. It’s literally not even the same game. So, if I want dialogue about a certain topic, I want to know who I’m talking to. And the profile allows people to do so.

If it’s hidden, I assume you are a LFR/ Normal raiders at best and do +10s at best and maybe non-timed 15s for a weekly vault.

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I hid my profile for various reasons:

  • It’s none of anyone’s business
  • I don’t want people to find out about me and other family members
  • Especially people who are well known on Argent Dawn-EU and highly rated PVPers

I do it because I sometimes host “Free Blizzstore Mount Giveaways” that is always sponsored 100% by me and out of my own pocket. I got sick of people messaging me in game asking if or when I am going to do another Giveaway Raffle. I do these things to be nice and generate a positive community environment but dont want to be hounded in game about it. If a profile is easy to track down more people will do it. If its not its a deterrent; therefore less people will do it.

With that said another major reason I do it is I enjoy my privacy. This is why I dont have social media accounts of any form in real life. So as you can see from the responses in this thread people reasons are various and there is not just one answer to why.


Hiding your profile on the forums has absolutely nothing to do with the game. You can literally just mouse over your character name to know what server you are on lol.

Look Im just stating my results. When I started doing it for some reason the tells stopped.

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It’s not though because they aren’t related, at all lol.

Im merely stating that when I started hiding it the tells in game stopped by about 80% plus. Thats all. My guess is most people are unaware of the mouse over fature. Anyway I just stated it as one reason. If you ready my post its clear my second reason was more clear and more prevalent. Please stop trying to be toxic. I stated my reasons. period.

Im sorry my reasons do not matter to you. Even if they dont make sense top you that doesnt hold water. They are my reasons I do it. Thats the end of it. Things one person does wont always make sense to someone else. It is what it is

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Yeah, that’s the browser, it has nothing to do with the forums. Safe to assume most people that are on these forums understands the info that appears at the bottom of your browser when you mouse over a link.

Lol wut?

I never said anything about reason’s mattering. Making things up to justify being rude sounds quite a bit more toxic to me.

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Great I stated what did. You dont have to agree. Let it go.

Drop it. Move on


The irony in this post is pretty spectacular.


This isn’t the first thread that’s like this topic & I’ve never understood people’s dismissal of other peoples reasons for a private profile.

Those are your reasons because you answered the OP.

I have my reasons.

Other people have reasons to not want a hidden profile.

These are all personal decisions over a personal choice that none of us can weigh in on for each other and it never fails to be weird to me when I see people try to dismiss or debate other peoples reasons on this rather non issue, it’s neither a problematic topic nor anything to invoke a debate over its personal to each person.

So yeah I get where you’re coming from tbh, like those are your reasons, period.


Because some people make it a personal goal to point out flaws in other peoples thinking. I have a coworker that constantly goes out of his way to do just this. He would run through an obstacle course to make it happen. Not sure why he does it either or seems so driven to do so.

Yep. Pretty much it


Fun fact: their reasons were never dismissed. Reading is difficult, I get it.

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Prime example of what I talked about above. Yes what you just said when there was no reason to say it is a form of “being toxic”.

A toxic person is anyone whose behavior adds negativity and upset others. Some of your responses there was literally no reason to make other than to cause drama.


Well, you should know.

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its so that they don’t get called out on their bs:


So I’ll be honest with you, I’m not sure how that thread fits in here lol.

well i know who the main poster is and he likes keep his profile hidden; but i bring this up when he calls out people for trolling. lots of fun.