Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

We’re having discussions in entirely different contexts. Obviously, everyone on the forums is a gamer who plays WoW. All of that goes without saying, so a statement like, “Gaming is mainstream” has no meaning in a discussion regarding how we choose to play the game. When I say “mainstream activities,” I mean raiding and PvP.

^^^ This is the key. I have no control over what things other forum posters or Blizzard do. Somethings I like, somethings I don’t. I have agency in my own life about what I do and who I associate with. Especially in an online game.

I don’t hide my profile because it isn’t worth it. To me. I don’t really play this char much anymore, but my post history, such as it is, is associated with this char. So it is the one I use 99% of the time on the forums.

Some times when asking questions or commenting I’ll post a link to a char that has or is doing the content in question to save people the trouble of searching through my alts…

OP…i hide my profile because i am a hypocrite

Also i am spineless coward

Thats why

Also I lie alot

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“I disagree. I like you.”


Hehehe…just validating many peoples mentality regarding hidden profiles :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


“Oh, I totally get it.”


“Yeah. The only time I click on a Profile, is to see what they are wearing. I love looking at Transmogs.”


Which has no meaning within the context of the game as a whole. Anything within the game can be classified as “mainstream” considering individual players all engage with every aspect of the game.

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With 28085 Achievements! No way. I love looking at the Achievements people have earned over the years.

However, the only time I check people’s profiles is to see if trolls are logging on Alts and liking their own posts! :smiley:

because you said that i decide to look :smiley: nosey cow ay and i can see your stuff, it was a quick look i admit but just letting ya know can still see and wow you got good gears :smiley:

Dat be dissing us true Trolls mon! None of us got time for dat jazz…


I just assume everyone who hides their profile does so in bad faith, same with character specific achievements.

I know that that shouldn’t always be the case, but if I’m putting money on it, I’d put a hidden profile being a bad actor over a genuine reason and come out on top almost every damn time.


Idk if thats the default setting i see no reason to change it, i know ow 2 it is but idk about here :thinking:

:dizzy: :rabbit:

It’s not. You have to purposefully set it to hidden, every time, even when you switch avatars.

Not everyone that hides their post history is a Forum Troll…

But every Forum Troll hides their post history…


The true big brain troll move is to troll but leave their profile open


Very few trolls could be described as “big brain”…

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I don’t believe that, either. I’ll meet you halfway and say “most”. But, I don’t think “all” of them do.

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My post history is out and about and quite stout.