Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Idk why anyone would give a crap if your post history is private or not. Forums are a joke.

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how do you make it private?

I’m far too busy to forum stalk anyone. Im all for personal choice—make your profile private or public; it has no bearing on me.

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You’re right, everyone should have REALID and Linkedin next to their posts. You can start setting the trend, Gorg! Don’t back down! Really put your name next to your posts to prove your point!


Great idea, this would definitely stop a ton of garbage threads and posts.

I am also in the mindset people alt post because of potential harassment. I do not blame them because for one, I do it as I don’t want anyone from these forums to contact me outside here in anyway. I hardly respond to replies to me. You say one thing someone doesn’t like and you’re Public Enemy number 1 and they go out their way to make your gameplay experience miserable because you got a rare mount and they didn’t or you disagree with them and now you’re targeted and they make Reddit and Discord servers in your honor. Blame this games toxic community.

is this actually a thing?

Because you should focus on the arguments being made not on the person who is making the arguments.

As someone who says lots of things lots of people don’t like and have for years on these forums, I can’t say I’ve ever had anyone whisper me in game about it.

At best I remember joining a group once and a guy said “Yo, Berith from the forums ?” and that was it.

I don’t quite comprehend the levels of toxic you guys have to be to draw any in game reaction to forum postings.

Out of likes, but you deserve one.

I’ve played since '05, and have gotten into plenty of disagreements, never lead to stalking, whispers, or my information being leaked.

People who hide profiles just want you to take their word, when they have no experience in the matter. :person_shrugging:

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Spending 3 hours arguing with someone who thinks “Mythic raiding is just like Heroic but with a timer” is a waste of time, when you can just point to his lack of any relevant Mythic raiding experience.

Sometimes people really think they can hold their own by just having watched a Youtube video and that wastes everyone’s time when they’re completely unqualified.

But that is a completely incoherent argument, you don’t need to see the profile to dismiss the argument.

Sure, but people gaslight a lot here. And he’ll keep pretending he’s right and you’re wrong somehow, even though you link him everything you want.

Best to just point and laugh at his only relevant “mythic” experience being having cleared Naxx 25 during ICC.

Then no one will be taken in.

I am sure a fair share hide their stuff because they are coward forum trolls. I am a firm believer the forums should be restricted to a single log in name and that is it. Not a multitude of game characters that you can switch between. It would probably cut way down on the stupid things that is said and done of the forums.

What does hiding a forum profile have anything to do with being a coward? What a weird take.

I always assume people are doing it so that no one can call them out on their lack of credibility on a discussion.

If we’re having a conversation on changes that should happen to high mythic plus loot or difficulty, and someone is posting on their main who has only ever run keys at +2, it’s pretty hard to take them seriously. If they post on a hidden profile then it’s not as easy to immediately dismiss their argument.


Spending 3 hours with someone who claims you believe these things and dodges blatant clarification of otherwise and multiple statements against it to continue using it against you is a waste of time, when you can just point out how hypocritical they are being from their previous posts of self-righteousness with how supportive they are to people trying new things and claiming the “difficult stuff is not difficult” but then says the opposite when it concerns their sense of pride.

I didn’t even need to see Raiimir’s profile for that one.

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“I was only pretending bro!” doesn’t quite cut it sorry.

Quote where I said that. Nah hold on I’ll do it for you,

Let me explain to you the context of undermining something as a big deal. The biggest factor of change with Mythic+ is not just the difficulty, the adaptive strategy, the changed fights, it is always the timer everyone says.

I was giving blatent clarification to you that difficulty is not the problem to me at all by undermining the sheer factor of why I didn’t bother with Mythic in the first place, not the difficulty but the timer. But woooosh, went by your head.

“HET ThjNk ItS OnPy XDiFFerNT Cuz the TiMER!”

I’m not going back to post 130 to find it.

You said it, you know you said it, now you’re trying to pretend you didn’t say it, and that you didn’t say you were “familiar with Mythic raiding” from watching Youtube guides.

I have better things to do than argue with an obvious forum troll who likes to pretend he’s done things he hasn’t.

Your profile is hidden for a reason, and what we can see of it tells us why.