I'm 20, I feel like everyone is my parent in this game

In a guild/raid/mythic+ I feel like I am playing with my parents or simply people who don’t bother to type.

In discord calls with raiding/mythic+ I just mute myself or feel like I have to present myself as older to communicate with them.

This forum mainly has people talking about stuff only their generation understands

It’s hard to communicate in this game as a younger person, there’s no denying.


I am 27 and much MUCH prefer the older community in this game.


Yes well muting yourself does makes it hard to communicate.

Why pretend to be older? What does that mean? Talk about retirement?

I have ppl in discord talk about deez nuts and they are 30+ lmao


Get off my lawn :man_with_probing_cane::tractor::rofl:


To be annoying, I am more like your grandparent given our age difference.

But overall, I do not care how old somebody is in game if they know how to play their class and they behave in a pleasant manner. But I may be more open and accepting of young people as I have had to manage and communicate with them in a working environment. Finding common ground is a little more challenging and requires looking a little deeper than present pop culture reference points but that common ground is almost always there.


Don’t feel bad.

If you’re playing this game even casually and you’re over 30, you’re at least 50% manchild. Or womanchild…? Is that a thing? Ladychild? Don’t be intimidated by us half-children.

Worth noting, if you feel like you’re being talked down to because of your age (or in a manner where they aren’t joking and/or the joking is not appreciated), consider finding a new guild. It may just be it’s not a fit for you.


I don’t know why, but this title of this post has me laughing so hard. But seriously though, you’re 20 your raid leader isn’t your father/mother. I know it feels like it when they’re telling you to do so many chores in the raid, but just know you’ll be thanking them in the future.

Okay, all jokes aside, you really aren’t that old to be considered a child in this game. It’s not like you’re 16 or whatever playing this game, and trust me you have it so much easier than the younger audience in this game. if people make fun of your age or for being young, just know this, they’re just jealous they can’t relive their youth. It’s a game, not a age contest.

I had my mid life crisis before being 30

I too am 27 and generally prefer the older community too.

To be honest–and this is both funny to me and a bit troubling–I don’t understand half of the new slang and have no desire to learn it! As a consequence, I can’t understand half of what some folks say sometimes. haha

The slow transition into an old man has begun. :neutral_face:


So, early life crisis?

WoW isn’t your typical MW2 lobby, it can be though

Nah i just got a short one, I feel it in my back.

Anyone that plays WOW is automatically a child. Just look at trade chat, people are like “pee pee” “poopy butt” we’re just adults but with a mindset of a 14 year old.


Don’t feel bad, kid (joke) - I’m 4 decades older than you and feel like they sound like my parents or a bad boss I used to have.

You are.

Now go clean your room.


Guilty As Charged.


Just know this, your raid leader is automatically your father/mother. Your IRL parents? Screw them, your raid leader comes first, they can kick you out of the house any time.


This right here exactly. If some one is competent at the group content being run through requiring voice coms, that should be all that maters, not how old they are.

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breaths in a covid asthmatic voice “Balukkaj, I am your father!”

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It’s both, womanchild and ladychild. Just depends on the circumstances that’s going on at any given time.

Woman child…I can admit that I act like a child and then use the “I am woman” stance.
I can have meltdowns like most everyone and usually it’s when being attacked by all those annoying, pesky, jerk, I wanna get in on the action birds that come out of nowhere. Although my language is much more colorful here at home.

Lady child? Pretty much all of us. Just a hidden side we bring out when we want to show that we aren’t uncouth and sailor mate worthy. That we aren’t totally about drama.

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I am ya Faddah!

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