Help me understand why Might of Stormwind is needed

Id like to see what you are using to figure out who is more committed or who isn’t.

I bet my playtime doubles or triples yours from 2019 to now, and to be frank, I’m not claiming I am more or less committed to the game, you did.

But let’s continue with the odd comments like bringing up real life politics out of the blue!

Some people go out of their way to get the buff, to improve performance.

Some people cry on the forums to have it handed to them for free.

Who’s more committed?

Do you pay more subs than less commited players ?

Yes, if they are paying two subs in order to achieve getting the buff.

That for sure is a higher level of commitment, obviously.

Oh that’s strange… under the current iteration I do subscribe to 2 accounts. Odd! I guess I’m more committed…. Again your statement, not mine.

Blizzards statement.

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Continue making posts that do little to defend anything on your side of the aisle. It’s comical!

Continue making posts that allow yourself to be ridiculed.

We don’t need / want SoD elements in Era.
Thankfully Blizzard gets it.


Revert the revert! Bring back MoS into ALL ERA realms now!

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That’s too many reverts, can’t be done.
Oh well, at least it’s stuck the way it’s supposed to be.


Why should the old game be changed because a vocal number of people who cannot handle feeling left out because they didn’t get a buff that is not needed except for the wiener party happening in their head? If the buff was coded long ago to have this functionality let it remain.

Why punish those that are able to jump through all the hoops?

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I think my point of view here is, would this really be punishing those who jump through those hoops?

In order to answer that we have to understand why they jump through those hoops to begin with… my understanding is that it’s to be the best. If that’s the case, removing WCB from the pool of buffs available to Alliance doesn’t change that. The best are still going to be the best, everybody will be on an even playing field and we can all carry on, business as usual.

Do you think there’s another reason to want WCB?

Do you think it was coded this way intentionally, or do you think this was a byproduct of game interactions that the developers didn’t really expect? Honest question here… and we can only speculate, of course. Unless the dev in charge of WCB weights in on this (which would be kind of interesting!!) then I don’t think we can know, but we can certainly think about it :smiley:

This would be my guess.
But they had years to rub it out and chose not to do so. Gotta see that as they are okay with it.

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t hate raiders or parsers. But I do expect that they give others views and playstyles the same room and validity that they are provided.

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Ahhh they did and they didn’t. I mean, sometimes stuff falls to the bottom of the priority list, sometimes they don’t think of it until later, and sometimes the timing just isn’t right once you realize. Heck, a lot of things aren’t a big deal until suddenly they are. I dunno what the actual reasons are here but I do think that once you’ve decided something is necessary, not having done it sooner shouldn’t really be a barrier.

Aaaaanyway, the whole point is, I don’t think Alliance getting WCB was ever really intended… it just was. I could be wrong, it just seems like that’s the more likely scenario. I still walk the line between support of #somechanges and #nochanges and I can see the argument from both sides, but if something is gonna make the game better and protect players from themselves, I can see my way to getting behind it. Or at least giving it some serious thought, you know?

I certainly don’t expect you to share that outlook just because I have it though.

kettle meet pot

PvP is griefing
Alliance deserve Horde specific buff
and Mootwo is a toxic troll.

It just keeps getting deeper.


You can see things however you wish to.

The reply to that from the person that I was speaking to was respectful and appreciated.

Bad faith arguing, gaslighting and projection are pretty much univerally known as toxic arguing styles that I try not to engage in, but sure maybe I should have called out the behavior as toxic and not said that about the people. :person_shrugging: That was said after being annoyed about the comments to me so maybe a bit passive-aggressive.

I’ll take full ownership for anything I say.


OP has never played a fully world buffed warrior with rend and it shows

It IS pretty awesome :laughing:

this is the issue people are getting heated and no matter what people say for or against, they get the same response from the masses.

They get heated then people go to name calling, arguing in bad faith, gaslighting, or just being a hole in the lower back.

no discussion the last few days has been productive on either side