Help me understand why Might of Stormwind is needed


From my perspective, the discussions today have been better overall.

I hope that this doesn’t become an ongoing point of contention in the Era player base like that Wrath RDF debate was for months on end.

The Era community is already kind of small and we already deal with people coming on here and going on about a dead game mode and stating that the Era servers shouldn’t even exist. Blizzard ultimately makes the call on changes and reversions and us being at war with each other doesn’t help anything.

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sadly i don’t think there will be, at least on this topic. I wish there was a middle ground but when one side keeps says “any changes are bad changes” that leaves no middle ground for rooms for discussion on how to handle it better and is just a brick wall.

one side feels wronged, and one side feels justified. And that could be on either the change or the revision

edit: it also doesn’t help that they made other changes that negatively effect raiders but the one boon we got was taken do to outrage. outrage that either still hasn’t noticed the other changes or doesn’t care.

Agreeing to disagree is sometimes the only thing left to do.

There are some threads where people are trying to have middle-ground discussions.

It’s hard for me personally to get on any sort of “change” side because of reasons already mentioned.

Again, there was more outrage on this forum regarding the guild ui, I can’t speak for the streamer things as I didn’t and hardly ever watch them. A lot of the people who didn’t want Era to be changed for MoS don’t like changes in general.

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They definitely knew about. They picked and choose what buffs are available to MC and apply. To quote The WoW Diary: A Journal of Computer Game Development:

Lazy or inexperienced game developers blame players for “ruining” a game with aberrant behavior, but these accusations are like dog owners blaming their pets for eating unhealthy scraps.

I’m not saying there weren’t some unintended consequences in the game (Corrupted Blood incident, first kite of Lord Kazzah in Stormwind, etc) but in general the developers were badass and cared a lot in Vanilla. They thought about how their decisions would affect players.

And as much as I want Might of Stormwind added back, I do agree that it is a slippery slope to the crap that is Retail. But, like Chronoboons, I feel this is a minor QoL improvement only and one that will help Classic Era exist for years to come.

Light’s Hope was an amazing Private Server (no trolling on Private Servers being good or bad please). We had a good community, some players liked “Fresh” and would always move on after killing KT to a new fresh server. Some of use kept playing. It was a fairly well balanced community. Eventually it got harder and harder to find consistent buffs and that did affect the community to the point that when Classic was announced it really was a small community and hard to justify the server costs even if a community driven project.

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Agreed about this, that’s what is great about Vanilla. There was thought put into everything, even how the horde and alliance zones go to where STV and Hillsbrad end up being warzones for those on PVP servers. The thought put into everything by the original devs is what I love about this game, even though yeah metas and gameplay are a little different since Vanilla.

Unfortunately many share the fault for this.

Assumptions like this are indicative of someone not willing to discuss things in an open and honest way. Perhaps someday that will change.

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I agree but things fell through the cracks. It’s been a long time but if I went digging through the changelist of Vanilla, how likely do you think I am to find “Removed the ability to accquire buff X through mind control?” They almost certainly knew about the ability for Alliance to get the buff back in 2004 to 2006 but was it something they worried about enough to consider making a change or not for? Probably not…

It feels like a safe bet to say that nobody back then would have envisioned that people would be creating multiple accounts in order to get themselves the buff so they could get a bigger number on a website. Had this occurred today, I wonder how they would have felt about it then.

Would they have looked for ways to disallow Alliance to get the buff because they really did want it to be a horde exclusive, or would they have just given Alliance an easier avenue to it. Tough to say…

Absolute worst part of this patch…Bottomless Bags not being 20-slot didn’t bleed through.

Why do you wish to terrorize?

Between all my toons I’d instantly have 200 extra bag slots /drool

go try and farm some frostmaul E’kos with a large group

there’s two other changes, i’m waiting to see how long it takes the no changes crowd to notice

There are now way more Horde players then Alliance players in every single version of the game. Blizz is doing this to try and balance the factions again. But that’s not how you do it.

They used to lock creating new toons of a certain faction on some realms back in the day. Used to also not allow a faction to move off or onto certain realms if it would cause realm imbalance.

They don’t know hot do that anymore.

Many things are broken and I’ve made many bug reports, lots of which have had no replies from blizzard but likes and replies from the community.

Safe to say, the change AND the no-change crowd have noticed, but some of these things I have considered bugs and not design changes, so I went to the bug report forum and not the general discussion forum. I would say that’s a reasonably fair thing to do.

Edited to add: and some I just report as bugs in game, or if I think they are a change, I submit feedback, so I don’t spam create threads in GD.