Classic Era Patch Updates

My position is that little changes to Era can have unintended consequences and that for this, the biggest concerns are both RP “sandbox elements” of the game being removed and potential concerns with horde balance on PVP servers.

So those things changing would have an impact on me as a player, yes. Maybe not so much for you but for others.

… but I’ve explained my position on all of this a lot.

Thanks for asking questions, you calling me a toxic troll earlier was not appreciated. If I were here to troll I would have found that hilarious but I am not.

I don’t know you at all but I can see that you’re helping with the allies on the PVE cluster coordinate buffs, so that is showing that you care about the community, and you’re probably a good person overall, and I can see why your stance is what it is.

However, when people want other things out of the game, or when people don’t play to parse or speed run in raids, it doesn’t make them bad people. A lot of us just want to enjoy what Era offers. What that is is different for everyone.

Blizzard ultimately makes the calls. You asking for what you’d like is fine.