Help me understand why Might of Stormwind is needed

What are you alluding to, exactly? Does that have anything to do with what we are currently discussing?

I have a Shaman on Whitemane with 5/5 AQ40 set + 3/8 T2

Rend head in his bags

Avoiding Ony isn’t a big deal on a server where AQ gates are open. You can jump right into BWL and AQ.

It is a big deal however to a server like Mankrik cluster that currently has a few new guilds in a sparse atmosphere trying to get into 20 mans and MC/ONY. This also comes with the fact alliance who have horde raiders blacklist and threaten these newer players if they drop a rend ‘‘off schedule’’.

But, they wouldn’t blacklist them if they had MoS…?

then you get into a feedback loop where new guilds will run out of players to have rend buff go out unless they themselves level alts, OR they stop new raiders from finishing their onyxia attunement to keep a rend buff available, since the alliance players stop having rend alts.

But, Alliance is also only 1 MoS buff per character… so they’re equivalent

Except MoS doesn’t lock them out of raids? and every established character has 1 available, whereas horde have used theirs, and AFAIK the buff only drops in SW so you can’t reliably grab it on a pve server like horde rend (I may be wrong on this last one).

This is pretty messed up.


Actually following up on that SW thing - would be interesting if MoS dropped in Sentinel Hill as well, help the levellers massively and give the horde a place to try and get MC capped if it came to that.

I was actually wondering about this and thinking about if horde would try to snag the buff as well. Would be interesting to see if it works. If it’s a direct copy of rend, it should work? Did anyone test while MoS was live?

In SoD, world buffs reach the entire zone, not just the city (i.e. Warchief’s Blessing hits all of the Barrens, not just Crossroads)

But you Era players like to complain so :man_shrugging:

Yeah and see, I would rather them continue dropping in SW myself… Just because it promotes being in major cities more and more. Sorry about our disagreement there! Haha

Stormwind is its own zone, though? Like Orgrimmar isn’t durotar

Short answer: Might of Stormwind isn’t remotely needed or appropriate in classic era. They’ve been able to get the rend buff this whole time already through slightly more tedious means.

They just liked a SoD feature because it was letting them raid-log sooner.


I am pretty sure it hits Durotar but I can’t say for sure. I have picked up the buff in SoD while flying out, but maybe I just got lucky.

“Major city only” is terrible for leveling players. And it’s not like max level players are going to just AFK in the middle of Barrens. They will continue to sit in major cities.

It worked. Several Horde on our cluster did. You can it just outside the gates of Stormwind

If the problem is that it’s egregious to get WCB as Alliance but competitive players feel forced to get it, the alternative solution to MoS is disallowing Alliance from getting WCB.

Competitive integrity is maintained and a unique piece of Era-specific faction identity is maintained. The end result is the same but the solution is effectively a bug fix. Which we’re apparently ok with because nobody seems to care that all the log-out skips were fixed and not reverted.


It’s like people with their d word for “addiction”. They got a taste, now they want more. It got taken away, so now they’re tweeking.

Because classic era players play the game for easy and brainless content, not for tedius chores. So any QoLs that reduce the weight of massive amount of chores in era are gladly welcomed.

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Best solution at this point.

If the less committed players wish to continue their incessant whining about having to jump hoops to get a horde specific buff as an alliance.

Then this is the play.
They will have spoiled it for everybody.

All in the name of some side game that was created on a third party website. Sad.