Help me understand why Might of Stormwind is needed

I’m out of the loop and don’t understand why Alliance players are going out of their way to get the Rend buff for raiding. Might of Stormwind was a mistake, a leak into Era from a change intended for Season of Discovery only, or as far as I’m aware. That said it sounds like some of you have been getting Rend for a long time now, which is odd but okay.

Someone from Alliance who goes to the trouble to get this buff for every raid week, I’d like to hear why you bother. What is the competitive raid scene you are going to this trouble for, is it just parses or what exactly?


Every version of World of Warcraft is min maxed into oblivion. That’s it.


I’m ok with people asking for what they want and I’m sure you’ll get replies but there’s been so much bad faith arguing, gaslighting and projection from some of these folks that it’s frustrating. So I’ll explain what I see.

Many of the people coming here seem to be from the PVE server cluster where it is more challenging to get rend as an ally. They are the sorts of players who enjoy parsing and probably speed running to where they get every buff they can. So they see rend as more mandatory. It seems that they have decided that places like this forum, and streamers, are why the decision was reversed even though I agree that this was a leaked SoD change and not fixed prior. So they seem to be coming here and coordinating on Discord to bombard.

A few of them seem to be good people but there are some really toxic ones here too that don’t seem to want to listen to other viewpoints or accept that some people don’t like to see Era changes. Even though Era also has a backing from some who have a more no changes stance.



I like how this player puts it -


This. And it has always been this way and it was in Vanilla as well. Just a much smaller percentage of players where able to clear everything.

I don’t think those who want it or don’t want it are right or wrong. It is a QoL improvement that many are asking for. Thats it. It doesn’t have to be back and fourth trolling on the same subject. Let those that are supportive of it use the forums as a mechanism to show feedback. Saying “it is the same 10 people on different accounts” is a bit ridiculous. It clearly isn’t. I know at least 50 of the people posting and know a few of those posting against it.

To answer the original question…it isn’t required. But for a game that is easy and for many of us who have done everything there is to do in the game, parsing and speed running is fun. Rend helps with that. If you don’t like it, don’t be a part of that.


It’s not needed. The simple fact is that Blizzard removed something from the game that shouldn’t have been added in the first place and they took it personally.


You can not parse as Alliance unless you get Warchief’s Blessing

My Horde account started out as just a way for me to get Warchief’s Blessing on my gnome warrior in 2020, during the lockdowns

Then I leveled all the way to 60 with rested xp and actually played Horde and decided I enjoyed Horde more :man_shrugging:

Anyway, Might of Stormwind is a no-brainer. It doesn’t change the fundamentals of the game, just gives Alliance players a way to compete without needing a 2nd account and dedicating an extra few hours every week to getting this buff.


And in terms of faction balance and difference. It is ridiculous that someone thinks that you’d chose Horde just for WCB and it creates some type of inbalance.

The differences are with racials, Paladins (Might/Kings/Salv) versus Shamans (Easy Mode Healing/Totems)


Min/max obsessions


I was a progression raider in actual Vanilla (05-07) and can only speak for myself and our raid group but we would have never done something like this unless we were knocking on the door of a very significant achievement like a Region/World first which we never were. Anyway, not to make it about that.

Okay, fair enough on the fact that it is about being competitive in parsing. Respect that commitment, its not for me, wouldn’t have leveled to 60 on the enemy faction for a buff either. Y’all are pretty hardcore lol.


Thank you for being receptive to the good points they are making. Bring back MoS to ERA!

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Yes they are.

Which is why it would be a shame for Blizz to trivialize all these players hard work.

Reverting was the correct decision.


I’ve expressed concern over the imbalance in how MoS is more attainable and less restrictive than WCB and I get a little frustrated people don’t want to address it outside of ‘‘not my problem’’. If MoS was to return, it absolutely should be equivalent to WCB, not better, Horde straight up need to not raid Onyxia on their chars in order to ‘schedule’ the drop. That’s really the imbalance it brings.


Honestly, I am for making them equivalent. And actually, I’d even take it a step further and bring the alliance rend up to the difficulty that the horde currently have!

If that’s what a lot of people’s issues are, when they say it imbalances things, I am all for this! Plus, bringing the Alliance up to par with how difficult the horde quest line is would be less changes overall.

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I don’t mind the questlines being different even if the Horde one is… what it is. But mirroring is probably the most simple way to make them equivalent

100% agree with you there. However, I don’t think a lot of people who are disagreeing with MoS returning would even budge how far you have tbh.

I could be wrong but that’s what it seems!

I am definitely in a more accepting camp, as some people were so put off from it being a SoD bleed that they simply will not tolerate it returning.

Based on the messages from Blizzard, I believe myself that it was intended to drop into ERA, but they took it back due to instant backlash from some players. It being a solidified patch, we in ERA assumed we didn’t have to fight for it to stay in ERA. Had people known this was the decision to revert, people would have been here like they are now, fighting for what they believe is right!

Are you a Lia Thomas fan?

The context people use is: The patch included things that do NOTHING for era, only for SoD (Druids using polearms prime example), and it was only announced as an intended change the day after it launched. To many, this read as ‘‘we oopsied but trust us its legit’’, and many even predicted they would ‘‘listen to the community’’ and ‘‘fix it’’ a week later when they figured out how to patch it.