Positive conversation about MoS/WCB

Part of the reason that any achievement in classic era has perceived significance is due to the investment of sizable amounts of time necessary to attain said achievements.

Being competitive in WoW DPS is a fine thing to do if the player finds that fun/rewarding/entertaining then great- but taking the time to go the extra 10 miles out to crossroads and getting mind controlled for a chance at getting the rend buff is directly part of the time investment required to make the achievement of a high parse meaningful.

Those who truly desire to perform their best are going to put the time in to get the rend buff regardless of the steps necessary, as they have been for years.
Is the original rend buff relatively inaccessible to the general alliance playerbase? Yes, and I’d argue that’s good game design because the buff was designed for horde players, not min/maxing alliance.

I’d completely support this. Disabling the buff entirely or making a ‘no worldbuff’ server where players can just raid with their gear/consumes and not feel compelled to chase buffs daily. And surely there would still be some parse leaderboards for that mode even despite it not having worldbuffs. I agree it seems evident at face value that the original rend buff was simply intended for horde players. Alliance being able to catch it while being mind controlled was likely oversight.