Heartseeker-PVP needs YOUR Help

Well I can’t speak for everyone. There may have been allies that transferred to Heartseeker just trying to get off of Skeram or Stalagg. From what I am aware of multiple free transfer server options were given right away (not just Heartseeker) including servers that are very dead now.

It is possible that free transfers were just to Heartseeker for a few days or people paid to transfer there (I’ve heard that most of the ally paid transfers went to Incendius which ironically later turned into the same thing). Anyway I just find this faction balance stuff and what happens with it fascinating.

Most Heartseeker alliance I have spoken with are happy with how things are regarding the balance. I do not think they would be happy with merges to make it balanced. I am not saying they are bad people just that they want a server where they are the main faction and the only real problems are with horde are alts of alliance who dispel.

More like adamthebad
So this is the thing with heartseeker. You guys like to spread lies. Someone leaves the guild. Trash talks “ETS” or myself personally. And I’ll tell you one thing. You’re all full of sht. Keep making up excuses. You guys are pathetic. Highschool drama left and right from everyone that left the guild. Drama weeds itself out or I end up doing it for them. You all have some serious growing up to do.


I support closing the server like the pool


One of the everlasting memes of Heartseeker. If I could @ Excentric right now I would.

Komrades - :star: join or live in gulag :star: бороться с большими медведями :golf: russian boost is best :golf: папочки с огромным членом :tophat: gold belongs to the people :tophat: ферма весь день :dizzy: reject capitalist 58 boost потрачdk :dizzy:


nuzzles up against you Hi~ purrs You seem friendly ;3 looks at ally/horde ratio Ara ara… what’s this? uwu *notices Heartseeker OwO OH MY! THIS REALM IS SO BALANCED~~ Wags tail~ >w< sees furry acceptance UwU glomps FREE realm transfer

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I’ve no idea where you are getting this info… lots of speculation. As an alliance on heartseeker who had 0 choice in where I went (came from faerlina in the first possible wave), I can say all of the people I play with want a balanced server and if there was an option for that without 10 hour queue times we’d have taken it.

Sounds like you don’t play on heartseeker or stalagg and have no idea what players on either feel, begs to question why you’re here.

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I’m getting it by watching the forums and talking to multiple people who play on the servers. The free transfers were important to me because my server was included in them so I followed those threads closely. The free transfer choices were always to multiple servers but some servers only had certain choices.

I can talk about whatever I want on the forums just like you can. Sorry if you didn’t like what I had to say. If you want your server merged with another one for a balanced pop that’s fine.

Here’s an early thread on the topic. I could keep finding information on this if you want. The state of Stalagg, Heartseeker, and the damage caused by unofficial census reports - WoW Classic / WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Please do a poll on your discord and ask how many people want the server pop to be balanced.

something something phase 2

this is what you deserve

good now you don’t get pvp for ruining your server

ect ect ect that everyone said about skeram and stalag.

Sad truth. Most of them took part in ruining 2 servers: first Stalagg (horde for camping too hard, alliance for running to quickly) and then alliance did the same once they found refuge on Heartseeker.

Totally agree with Mootwo. Vast majority of folks on pvp realms do not in fact want anything that resembles a balanced fight. They want free easy pickins’ on the minority faction.

The other night i was actually in a discord call with some buds from Onslaught, who were saying the same thing. They were sad they ran off all the Alliance on their realm, so then they themselves had to transfer as well just to keep farming honor.

Sad situation. Blizz didn’t help when they opened the free transfers with almost no restrictions. Blizz made it worse.

Almost all of the #somechanges Blizz did were bad decisions sadly.


Give us what we want or else…


Jeff Epstein didnt kill himself


any horde wanna buy some sappers?

Yeah sell it to me cheaper than ally AH, so i can transfer it and resell it

3g 50s each if you take 150

This but uniromically

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I don’t really see Alliance being overpopulated on Heartseeker as their fault. I look at myself as an example as no matter what option I used I would’ve been most likely screwed in one way or another. Here’s what happened to me:

As Classic gets announced, I gather my friends and talk about what faction we wanna play and PvP vs PvE. We decided on PVP, and wanted a high pop server because we felt like that could withstand attrition. Servers get announced, and we decided on Herod and reserve some names. Sure, it’s going to be really full, but it’ll last. Then, Blizzard sends out warnings that Herod is going to be massively full and to consider playing on a different server. They said to branch off and mentioned Stalagg and I believe Faerlina. So, my friends and I chose Stalagg. I found a guild to join ahead of time that fit our raiding criteria and everything.

Stalagg launches… I’m on the minute it goes live. I wait for SIX HOURS to log on, and the only reason it was six and not longer was because Eastern Kingdoms crashed. In the weeks following, me and my guild are forced to remote log on to our games and keep ourselves online to avoid the queues when we were out. When I did have to log in again, EVERY SINGLE SERVER SAID FULL. I have a screenshot of it. So even if I decided then to say screw it and move again, I’d be going from one full server to another full server and I’d have to find another guild again.

Fast forward a month. Leveling on Stalagg was near impossible once you got into contested zones. Horde had what seemed like an 8 to 1 advantage in numbers, and would camp you. I’m ok with the PvP, and I don’t get mad at it usually, but you seriously could not get to some places.

Sometime later, Blizzard opens up our transfers on Stalagg to help with the queues. My guild officer core, in their infinite wisdom, decided that enough people would transfer off that if we stayed we would be ok. The queues were a bit better…partly from transfers, partly from people getting too upset and going to a different server (like all my friends who couldn’t even log in), BUT the only ones that really transferred were Alliance. Now, it seemed Horde had a 20 to 1 advantage or more in the world. It was impossible to farm anything anywhere.

Another round of transfers pop up, and this time we go for it. AT THE TIME Heartseeker was slightly Alliance favored, with a medium to high population overall. When playing I would’ve guessed it was around 65% Alliance at first, but that is my speculation. As more and more people moved over, not just from Stalagg, but from other servers too, the Horde started to feel as I did on Stalagg. That’s something we couldn’t predict. It got to be so bad with Horde leaving that we’re where we are today…with no Horde. Nobody is going to willingly choose Heartseeker now on a PvP server with no Horde, so as people start to move on from Classic, we aren’t getting new people on the server or transfers. Heartseeker is slowly dying. Is that our fault? I don’t see that it is. I did what Blizzard asked, I moved when asked to, yet I’m the one here stuck debating to pay more money to move my characters to fix their problem, or hope they merge servers together which frankly, I don’t see happening. Not for a long time anyway.

I would like something to be done like allowing server transfers or faction transfers but I’m not hopeful. They really should take matters into their own hands and fix the issue instead of giving paid options and letting the players fix it themselves - with money. That leaves a very poor taste in our mouths of an already rapidly declining company. If you’re not going to merge servers then at least give population reports so that we can make the best decision for ourselves instead of trying to figure it out.


All the faction dominate servers (most of them) are going to stay that way.

We had a nearly identical experience. Except I was transferred off the day of or day after transfers oppened.

lol dodgeseeker, take your shame
ty skeram