How dare you!
Yes you really do. I haven’t researched it but is there a predominant Horde version of your server?
Simple fix.
Merge those two! Then have an empty server and create a fresh TBC prepatch server!
I like this ending.
Karma for when you guys fled Skeram.
Maybe you should never have transferred off from Herod then.
you mean is horde free server?
sign me in!
Could guarantee QQ after a merge from those heartseeker alliance who have dominated the population for 2 years.
imagine spending the 1st half of classic on Herod with a 1 hr death run to brd
No one went to Heartseeker from balanced servers. We were all refugees from servers that were 3-1 horde dominated.
Very few were “content” with it. If there had been free transfers from Heartseeker to a balanced server, pretty much everyone would have left. The choice was between Heartseeker and staying on Stalagg/Skeram. I don’t regret my decision at all.
I realize that paid transfers are always an option, but not only does that cost money, but many people have several alts. I have 6 60’s. I’m not paying $150 to transfer, I would sooner quit playing.
I think more world PvP would have been cool for world bosses. But with the world buff meta it is hard to want large numbers of horde purging and ganking.
To be fair, Stalagg and Skeram were 75-25 servers from launch. And alliance on Heartseeker were not doing the same to the horde as was done to them. It was a fairly peaceful server until phase 2. And the horde that did transfer came for PvP, so alliance weren’t exactly safe in phase 2.
Problem is, all the horde casuals left or never came to begin with. And there are no new horde rolling here, so as people quit playing(which happens on every server), there is no one to replace them. Which made it impossible for horde guilds to recruit outside of poaching from other guilds.
When I first looked into Heartseeker, a Reddit post said it was nearly balanced, about 10 alliance for every 9 horde. I came before the big wave, and every day you would see Ironforge getting fuller and fuller and fuller. During raid times it was insane. I spent several weeks trying to get the horde from Skeram to come here. They didn’t want to. I would post pictures of how dead Ironforge was on Skeram on the discord. Their top guild(ONSLAUGHT) said they didn’t care, and that it was their goal to run every single alliance off Skeram(they succeeded).
I think it would be more accurate to state, “No one went to Heartseeker for balanced servers.” Other than those who originally rolled there, prior to the mass Exodus from Stalagg and other servers.
In any case if anyone would prefer different faction balance, there are plenty of other servers to choose.
Watching Alkaizer and crew on stream, farming us in Blackrock Mountain. Good times… good times.
Transfers were opened to Heartseeker on three occasions. The first transfer was on September 3rd, for only two servers(Stalagg and Faerlina). The second was on the 19th and was expanded to ten servers(Benediction, Faerlina, Herod, Incendius, Kirtonos, Kromcrush, Skeram, Stalagg, Sulfuras, Thalnos). The third transfer was for horde only.
I didn’t look into Heartseeker until the second transfer was announced because it applied to my server(Skeram). Before the second wave, it was a fairly balanced server. At least half the people who transferred to Heartseeker came after I transferred here. Mostly in the last few days before they closed transfers.
Only the people who came towards the end knew that they were transferring to such an imbalanced server, and by then most were just following everyone else who had already left.
Same thing happened when they opened free transfers off Incendius. At first a few guilds left, which caused more guilds to leave, then everyone else started thinking they needed to hurry up and leave before they end up stuck there by themselves.
I remember this one hunter posting how she was level 40~something, and had been the highest level on the server prior to the transfers (as they had started a couple days after everyone else, being a newer server), and suddenly 60s had transferred over.
It was unfortunate what happened to that server.
Can you stop spamming this? It is really obnoxious.
This is you being obnoxious. I don’t know what your issue is.
You’re treating people like idiots. Telling them things EVERYONE already knows. If I didn’t know better, I would assume you’re getting paid by Blizzard to encourage people to buy paid transfers.
Go spam another thread please, we are having an actual discussion here. I wish I could actually block you from reading what I post. You’ve been doing this in every thread for the last year. You add literally nothing to any conversation.
I haven’t spammed anything in this thread. Please stop harassing me.
This is not only untrue, it’s also quite inappropriate.
You do say really abvious stuff like this pretty often actually.
In other news, Scumdog Millionaire has formed! Transfer here and join me in my crusade to get rich by taking over the best farming spots from alliance who don’t know how to PvP!
You might think that heart seeker is dominated by people who want a heavy faction balance to control resources but the truth is the alliance here roll over the second they sniff PvP. 90% of them die to me while wearing naxx gear and I’m in cloth blues fr ZG.
Also, save heartseeker!
If it’s so obvious, why are people asking for faction balance changes? This thread doesn’t need to exist.
If you don’t like the faction balance on Heartseeker, go somewhere else. Obviously those on Heartseeker, a year and a half after its faction balance was established, prefer that faction balance.