Heartseeker is a one sided populated Alliance server and we need help so it doesn’t die when TBC launches. The only Horde guild on the server just transferred off couple days ago. Now the only Horde on the server are people’s alt accounts from Alliance side. We really need a server merge or Heartseeker will die during TBC.
No one could have seen this coming a year and a half ago.
As the best ret on the server I approve
I just want to make sure I understand:
The entire ally pop of Stallag transferred to Heartseeker and are now upset there’s no horde?
2nd best ret also approves. Gib merge nao
It’s the perfect population balance for those who want an almost completely Alliance server.
Plenty of people are not from stallagg here. Not everyone wants horde but the real gamers do.
People purposely made the server into that Heartseeker has a reputation as a alliance server, so people are moving to it because of that.
Didn’t transfer to Heartseeker when it was Ally dominated (i.e. ever, and it’s not like it was a large enough population that enough real gamers were there before the transfers).
If you prefer a different type of faction balance, simply transfer to a different server.
Yeah you’re right real gamers waited in a 14 hour que to play on faerlina in the asmo layer.
Merge Stalagg and Heartseeker.
Problem solved.
We haven’t had a queue in a year and a half. We do have a healthy economy and people to play with though so…
Well, perhaps I shouldn’t have used the same descriptor.
In any case, anyone who wants different faction balance can simply transfer to a server with different faction balance.
That seems like a slap in the face to most of the people who transferred to Heartseeker, as they are obviously there for the purpose of being on an Alliance dominant server.
The Heartseeker Alliance population was content with having an Alliance-dominated (read: Alliance only) server when world buffs were a factor. Non-existent opposite faction = no world buff loss. This doesn’t account for Alliance purge alts but that’s a different discussion.
Now that world buffs are going away, having an Alliance-dominated server (which the population was more than content with for 4+ phases) has suddenly become a problem. The community created this environment so now they have to deal with the consequences.
We all know that if Heartseeker was merged with Stalagg or some other Horde-dominated server that one of the factions would inevitably transfer off regardless, simply re-creating the problem.
As GM of the only horde guild left on the server, tiny pp, I approve this message. And I challenge any horde to transfer over here to get gamed on 24/7. I get it if you don’t want to transfer, scared little boys, pathetic. That’s why your boss didn’t give you that promotion at work. That’s why your wife left you and that’s why you will never amount to anything because you are scared to take initiative. Cowards.
10/10 would read again.
i have no evidence to prove it but if you transfer here as a horde player you automatically get the title “Gigachad” in TBC
Transfer now and join tiny pp. Lets rid the server of these Chad alliance players.
Heartseeker has been this way forever. I flat out told horde in Dec 19 that it was fine to transfer off, it’s one of my only threads - or at the very least gank the hell out of the alliance there:
“The same cannot be said for the alliance on your server who were clearly so afraid of world PVP that they needed to outnumber you drastically.”
I really think the majority of the people on Heartseeker, Skeram and Stalagg want imbalanced servers. I will not say that for Incendius only because their horde transferred off an mass leaving them with the imbalance.
Tiny pp will not be the only horde guild for long friends, transfer here, sign my guild charter and help make my guild, “Scumdog Millionaire” a reality.
We will all be rich from taking the resources from a world of alliance that have no idea how to PvP. All you need are some crappy blues and you’ll be tearing up ppl in naxx gear. JOIN TODAY AND BE A LEGEND.
That’s a silly idea. Why not roll just roll on a PvE server if you’re not interested in WPvP?