HC players are trying to ruin the magic of Classic

Like how you have 150 posts spamming the forums about how you hate that others are enjoying the game?

Youre just a sad person and I feel sorry for you. Really. I couldnt imagine spending my free time being mad that others are happy.

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I feel just as sad for you, only you’re almost up to 1,000 on that toon alone. Your alt Gwen is getting up there too.

Schizo moment. Go take your meds and go to bed.

Maybe if youre good mommy will give you enough good boy bucks that you can turn in for mcdonalds nuggies tomorrow.

Your immaturity is showing.

Want to cry more about the big bad meanies making “hardcore” too hard for you? You fit in well here with the rest of them

You can try to downplay me all you want, you are random pixels and behind those pixels is an overweight male mad that people are having fun. Its pathetic.

I just landed in TB, im going back to my HC run. Enjoy your schizo moments.

I’m happy you’re having fun getting griefed. Guess you have no complaints after all.

It’s a shame the RPers aren’t allowed to have fun after you flooded their realm with toxicity.

And suppose I’m a woman, or trans. You want to call me out for being that too?

Body shaming or other personal attacks are not very nice and show who the real hater is.

I have literally only died once and that was in skull rock. I have yet to be griefed but sure, keep making up headcannon about me so you can feel better. I know you’re putting on a mask but inside you’re seething.

Yeah people just existing and playing the game via questing is toxic. You people are too delusional.

You really are rage typing now aren’t you. Two whole posts? Immaculate.

I do not care. If you’re going to be dense and lie while spamming the forums with your hatred of others, I will just give it right back. You can pretend to be a victim all you want, but you’re just another mouth breather.

Please take your schizo meds though. The forums are one thing, but I don’t feel like seeing the shooter stats go up even higher.

All this talk about HC is just as funny as the debate about RDF. Anti-HC people on here are seething. They hate it’s getting attention. This is great.

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I don’t know. you can disprove her easily but you haven’t yet.

For the most part…yep.

Now rerolls in the up to say 12 region can be a population issue.

Unless these RP’ers are remaking new level 1 every day like HC is…it should not be a daily annoyance. How many times in one week are they kiling hogger. Or doing human start quest to wait on the Defias “boss” npc.

after that…we tend to spread out. I personally to avoid issues in darkshore “hide” at now 15+. I go where there is less/no people.

Kill 10 animals? Questies show me many places that can be done. I don’t go where 8 people are doing it.

I find the place where it can be me all alone. Which I like.

In this way I better know when crap has died. Any say bears nearby I killed. I know I get x amout of time till they show again. In this way I get less surprise spawns.

So I am not toxic to anyone. they’d have to go out their way to find me for me to be toxic in darkshore lol.

Hell I jsut talk in guild chat. So not even in public channels beyond a quick answer to a question about the game.

The devs dont give a damn about “the classic magic”. In fact, the current devs resent classic and see it as nothing more than a thorn in their sides and a hindrance to their careers. They only care about profits and bringing in more money.

While HC is definitely antithetical to the very spirit and soul of classic, it does bring in more streamers/followers and that in turn brings in more money. Eventually streamer followers create a bnet account and try HC, and blizzard profits. Thats all that matters.

It’s not on me to disprove the claim that Gwen and I are the same person. It is on the claimholder to prove it.

Even if an RPer only made level 1 characters to get to 10 and then restart, how is it any different than a launch? The starting zones are filled just like during classic launch and som launch. Where is the outcry during that?

It’s also not impossible to do these quests. Hundreds of people do it every day.

Like I do not understand how playing the game, nothing more, is somehow toxic. Yes, individuals can be toxic in their actions, but that isn’t being presented. What is presented is that these people exist on a server and are just playing the game, but that is somehow innately toxic? It’s ridiculous.

What does this even mean? There is no definition of what this means, people just say it like it has meaning but every time I ask the answer is different. Serious question, what do you even mean by this in reference to HC.

Lol ok Gwennedl. I was actually skeptical at first but this kind of defense kinda sells the deal.

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Hardcore players aren’t trying to ruin the magic, griefers are. If anything, the hardcore community is restoring it. Albeit, a little differently than it used to be.


I’ll be joining the “griefing community” when/if hardcore classic servers launch. I see potential for 2019 level pvp drama here and that’s what I hope to engage in, what I’ll really be after is the people that come out to defend against pvp/griefs. Should be a lot of fun especially when everyone will equally be scared of dying. :saluting_face:



Oh the irony.

You’ll never get to the point of being able to grief lol

I know its magical when you can ruin the gameplay of others. My heart bleeds for you.

When Vanilla launched quest NPCs weren’t classed as civilians and dishonorable kills weren’t a thing.

In theory, the opposing faction could get some fun wpvp going by being able to draw attention to a particular area by killing some townsfolk to get a faction battle going.

Naturally, the players abused this simple freedom to the point where the game was unplayable for others (on purpose) and then daddy Blizz had to come in and take the matches away from the four year old and scold them.

This is why we cant have nice things. Makes me a little sick to think about Blizz having to continue to make changes to this game to make up for peoples lack of scruples and inability to control themselves.

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Lol the other posters are slaying you and the best you can do is throw weak insults like a troll. Its hilarious to watch you flounder and reach for anything to use as an argument.