HC players are trying to ruin the magic of Classic

/wave to the incubus for me!

So far its been the only highlights worth watching

Yeah, I decided I’m not doing that quest because, for me, the Incubus in Classic is just plain wrong.

I’m seriously thinking of capping a normal character there to grief the griefers, kinda a full circle thing. Might be a lot of fun. ^.^

Sure is, and it’s fugly!

Do it, fight fire with fire, that would be entertaining as well. Nothing better than watching griefers cry about getting griefed themselves. Its like when an FPS cheater loses the match

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He just needs a makeover. Lower his resolution, give him some saytr fur patches, and he’ll be right at home!

Im not going through this entire thread so idk if someone said it prior, but goldtooth is a griefer, and I can only assume those in support with him with few post counts are also griefers from their discord. Its the same cope points that they spew and echo chamber amongst themselves, about how HC is ruining the game, anti spirit of wow, pvp problems have pvp solutions despite the fact that its a pve server and theyre using same named pet mobs to force pvp on and hide when hc defense rolls up by logging onto a low level in the same area with pvp off to watch the 60, waiting for the 60 to leave.

This entire thread is bait.

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A-freaking-MEN my dude.

So much fact in a single paragraph.

Lol replying to yourself on an alt and giving yourself praise

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Ouch someone is upset they aren’t getting complimented… would you like one? Your character has a fine beard.

I mean, my memories of vanilla are soloing it. And then soloing rank 13 in the PVP grind via pugs. That was fun. I don’t have memories grouping with people in PvE because I never did it. I found it stupid. Hardcore is a better version of my memories of vanilla. Because it utilizes all the systems in the game. It makes green drops like epic drops. It has enhanced vanilla.


Same for me. I am enjoying HC Classic a lot. I have died to griefing and OH WELL, i just rerolled and tried again. I’m having a great time.


I don’t see a problem with getting new HC servers and normal fresh servers. It is just the lack of an appeals process for deaths I see as an issue, I think many HC’s will just stay on reg pve servers or quickly go back. shrug IMO of course.

Yeah there could be a problem if they don’t fix some of the blatant systems that are used to exploit and grief players. There’s really no point in making hardcore servers if they don’t address those ahead of time. And they’ve had an amazing beta test with all the griefers illustrating what needs to be fixed for the past year.

But if they do patch these problems up, then hardcore servers will be amazing.

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Same, I did the whole leveling thing on my own. I didn’t care to group up all the time to do things, I grouped when I needed a dungeon done for quests but that’s it… I didn’t experience the game the way they did and that seems to bother them, they want their experience to be your experience as well because that’s how it was for them.


Medically speaking, are you all there? Gwen and I are not the same person. Like, what did you even read to suggest that idea?

So happy someone else caught that too

Like pvp and partying and trading?

You can’t even roll enchanting in the so called “hardcore” because you have to get rods from another player lmao

So happy you dont even have the courage to quote me in order to ping me while you lie about me.

You people are delusional, not cool delusional either, just schizo moments.

That’s nice dear, back to spamming wrath forums with all your care bear nonsense.