HC players are trying to ruin the magic of Classic

Thats not a “kind of defense” its basic logic. Its up to the one making the claim to provide proof, not the refuter. Its how the handle it in both court and science. Youll pick at anything as an excuse to fling mud wont you? Its usually a trolls first line of defense to spout nonsense like that.

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Jokes on you if you thnk they will go through the trouble of adding specific servers for HC and not changing it so it cant be so easily griefed.

You’re in for a surprise, an unpleasant one, but a surprise nonetheless.
Hold on tight, it’s gonna be a fun ride!

Funny thing for me is, a HC server may finally create the kind of server I want to play on - one where no griefing can occur

Back to EQ style play where its just PvE and thats good enough for me

Oh it will be a ride! I can’t wait honestly. Watching known griefers unable to actually get to a level to where they can get to griefing lol

It won’t be hard to get to a level where I can go to Booty Bay and kill the level seven sitting on the flight master. Will I die? You bet I will, but so will the other guy.
In the meantime you’ll likely be posting tickets on the “griefer” and crying on the forums about being forced to use left click. SSDD. :joy_cat:

I don’t doubt you’re gonna try. I’d expect nothing less from someone like you.

Lol, tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself. We’ll see what happens when the HC server comes out :wink:

Interesting. I’d think you’d approve of me killing griefers. Turns out that you don’t. So griefing is ok then no?

Just started rereading that series after idk 30 years. Verminard is about to die. I like your name is all.

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Hahahahahahaha oh god the 55 dk forum alt on fresh is a new one. Id expect this from generic human male paladin from grobb but i guess you guys are expanding out since that slot is very filled.

Whatever you say Thirteen.

Do you… do you really think that a handful of individuals who get to mostly 10 to 20 and sometimes up to 40 are going to fight 60s when they have one life as well?

Its just going to be them logging whenever someone alerts them.

Griefing will just default to them tanking and overpulling in RFC to wipe level 14s. This delusion of granduer you have really is not going to come to pass.

What do you mean? EQ’s was a Baptism By Fire where having the local Bard train an entire zone top of you was a common occurence.

My bad for trying to create emergent gameplay with other people that has literally 0 negative impact (because of appeals). Imagine being so jaded that someone pulling volchan to elwynn forest only makes you feel anger because you now have to spend 1minute running back and another filling out a grief appeal. Must be a sad way to play the game.

I remember a time when I found joy in those rare moments of people interacting with my gameplay (positively and negatively). I hope you too can one day return to those happier times friend.

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Didn’t read a word of it but im sure it was a well reasoned post with no overtones of entitled narcissism and need to have your $15 a month mean more tha others.

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You are creating a toxic environment that only benefits those who enjoy being malicious to others. Call it what it is. This isn’t your discount channel 4 discord where you all stroke each others egos with snips of people being mad at you and your fellows for disrupting gameplay. This is not your echo chamber.

Despite my characters name, I feel empathy for these players. I have yet to be griefed, but that doesn’t mean I can’t feel disgust for your actions. You are targetting HC specifically because you know these players have to do more than just run back to their body.

You can try to word it like you are some prophet of gameplay, but you are just an individual who revels in the pain of others. I enjoy what I’m doing, and it comes at the cost of no one. You only enjoy it because you can cause others pain.

Do not pretend we are the same. I expect to see this snipped and posted in hate mail, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.


You’ve yet to explain how exactly I revel in causing someone pain when all I literally do is make them take 1-2 minutes of their life to file a quick grief appeal in the discord. There’s literally no consequences to the people I “grief” as you put it. Stop repeating the lines youre told to say and critically think for a second. How am I causing others pain when its literally a guaranteed appeal that takes 2 minutes max to fill out?

These kids are like that Asmon guy. The like to grief when they are angsty teens

When they grow up they go wait thats stupid

He literally said it on a video my son showed me, explaining why he “gets” greifers but hates it now

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You have dedicated discord channels in your server that are purely for reveling in people getting mad at griefers. One of them is called hate mail. I already referenced this.

You have a pinned message in a channel that is for manipulating the addon to pass checks in order to keep griefing instances.

You can pretend to be some enlightened prophet all you want, but it does not change the facts of the situation. You grief because you find it fun to affect others negatively. You have helped foster a community with this goal. You only do this because you can and still do engage with others in a negative way, unfairly, to hinder them.

Literally right now in your general chat of this server I see a snip being posted of a verified griefer laughing at players running away from a kited level 23 elite from the rogue poison quest. A mob that should never leave the tower in the corner of the zone.

I understand why they do it as well. It’s not a hard concept. It’s just something individuals do when they view themselves as better then others, and self impose their will on people who can’t react correctly to the situation. It’s an ego boost for people who lack significance in life.


That was a lot of words to still not address how its lliterally 2 minutes to fill out an appeal form and continue on with your day.

God forbid that person not just laugh at a funny event of someone pulling an elite to them that shouldn’t be there and then continue on with their day. That’s the normal reaction that normal people have btw.

If someone gets griefed below level 20 they can’t appeal, period. Even if that weren’t true, you’re not supposed to continue playing until your appeal is approved. Plus, a lot of time a recording is required, meaning that assuming they were recording, they have to clip the moment in question, upload it, and wait in line for their appeal. It’s very disruptive. Not that I particularly care, but you are playing dumb.