HC players are trying to ruin the magic of Classic

When you think back to the legendary moments of vanilla WoW, you don’t think of things like killing a lvl 22 mob when you’re lvl 24. You think of the moments someone pulled Teremus to Stormwind or when those pvpers crashed that ingame funeral of another pvper and made them immortal in memory. The WHOLE POINT of Classic WoW is the emergent gameplay when you have other players impact (whether it be positive OR negative) your gameplay session. When they transform it from im killing 20 boars in elwynn tonight to god damn someone just pulled volchan from the burning steppes.

Sadly HC players are trying to take that away from Classic, the devs have already made numerous unpublished changes to things like infernal, BRD Overseers etc etc in order to cater to this unofficial gamemode at the cost of what made Classic so great.

HC Players aren’t even negatively impacted by these events, because of their appeal process there’s literally no negative side effects, yet look at them whine and demand Blizzard turn Classic into retail. Well sorry but as someone who enjoys both game modes, they should remain separate things. It seems to me the HC community would be better off playing retail instead of asking Blizzard to turn Classic into it.

TL:DR Stop whining that someone interrupted your 2hr session of killing boars to add some fun and memorable gameplay for a few minutes.


One of my most enjoyable moments in HC last week was when someone pulled that mountain of a fire giant which is Volchan into Elwynn forest right near the logging camp.

Me and another nearby HC player ‘hid’ behind a tree and joked about how it def would not protect us. It was fun and was by far the biggest danger faced during that leveling period.

I agree emergent gameplay is not always positive but the risks is ultimately what gives the possibility for epic moments.


Thank you, glad to see someone can appreciate the fun these moments create, it seems to me that so many people have become jaded and turned this game into a job where anything that distracts them from maximum efficiency is something that needs to be removed or avoided at all costs. It’s a video game and its meant to be fun. I feel for the people who can’t enjoy the chaotic moments that we can only really enjoy in something like Classic.


No one is trying to ruin classic for anyone, you can only blame the griefers for well… griefing. It’s funny from time to time, but the problem is these brainlets are doing it constantly, non-stop… if they weren’t doing it throughout the day, you’d hear far less complaining and far less call for aggro table changes or bans.

I don’t expect anyone in the “classic community” to understand that it is in fact harassment and disruptive to others gameplay… y’all are only doing this to yourselves.


people are actually engaging with the questing and leveling process and not just farming dungeons, this is way more of an authentic vanilla experience than classic launch


it’s a stupid tax. if your in a major city dont go afk. Most things can be solved with situational awareness.


People complaining about low level griefers when a high level player can easily come and kill them.

PvP problems have PVP solutions but seems like people have forgotten about that


it doesn’t matter that much if you kill them cus griefers aren’t playing HC

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I am not sure it is really possible for griefers to ‘harass’ people using the current game mechanics. There are so many quests and zones to level in that nobody can really follow you around while kiting mob, etc. The most they can really do is deny certain things or make some areas dangerous. Which is kinda in the spirit of ‘world of WARcraft’.

However there are two easy ways to fix the issue. I personally prefer the first.

  1. Blizz does HC servers, that means the griefers also have to reroll if their toons die and it becomes way more exciting all around.
  2. Addon devs build automated ways to appeal. It is a TON of work, but they are building a new game mode. In no ways should anyone expect such development to be trivial.

What seems to be a bad way to fix the issue would be to hinder game mechanics or ban players, the game is supposed to be competitive, somewhat challenging, and to not always go the way one wants or expects.


then you just corpse camp them, it’s literally that simple, they can’t grief if they’re dead and are kept that way

  1. Would be amazing, would add serious stakes to the game and would remove the current meta of spam kill mobs 1 at a time that are all 4lvls below you.

griefers in starting zones usually have multiple alts at multiple different unique named mobs that they swap between so you can’t really corpse camp them


No one is talking about major cities, we’re talking griefers bringing high level elite mobs to low level areas to abuse low levels who can’t defend themselves against said mob.

Except it’s not PVP. It’s on a PVE server.

How is constantly griefing them NOT harassment? Camping an low level areas with a high level elite mob is kinda scummy if it’s done constantly.

I’m all for a HC server.

This could work, but I can see it getting abused.


There are many low level areas that one can choose from. Also, you are really only in the low level areas for a few hours to a day then the toon moves on and you are past that wave of griefers.

In the worst possible case, one can always logout and do something else if the thing you really really want is just too dangerous in that moment.

I understand that it isn’t always optimal for those players, but it isn’t harassment it is a making a very small part of a very big world a little bit more dangerous.


I bet every griefer will be a rogue on hc servers. Will be interesting to see how that goes :dracthyr_comfy_blue:

You can still flag for PVP on an PVE server, there is literally nothing you can’t do to kill them

Too high of a level for you? Call in a higher level player, have them corpse camp until it’s no longer viable for them to grief that spot.

But instead of taking matters into your own hands and you know work together as the horde and take a couple of seconds to ask someone to deal with them, you’d rather cry foul and let them get away with it, bothering the GMs until they do something when it could easily be solved by the player base.

I know HC has rules

But I don’t see anything in the HC rules against asking higher level players to fight the griefers

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So many griefers are low level. It’s always funny seeing a level 12 at gold tooth surrounded by 20 6-8’s that could easily kill the griefer if they actually just attacked at the same time.


They have a whole griefer discord…

The problem is, why do I have to stop playing the game and do something else, because some losers decide to camp the area, if it is was a once in a while thing… no big deal, no issue, no harm. Forcing players away from actually playing the game… is harassment.

All Blizzard has to do, is fix aggro. If you hit a mob and try to kite it, at a certain point it should turn around, be untargetable and go back to where it spawns. Simple fix.

Yea, you can flag for PVP. That’s also not what a PVE server is for… why should people leveling have to worry about some kid decides to drag a elite mob 3 zones away just to harass low levels.

No one I know plays vanilla.

Why should we have to do that on a PVE in an alliance zone. Even on a PVP server, they can’t attack you without you turning PVP on… this isn’t PVP. This is harassment and/or abuse.


No one should be forced to PVP on a PVE server. You do know RPPVE is a thing right?


…literally just run in a straightline. most mobs are so damn slow and even if they manage to kite a faster mob scatter doesn’t always work out.

Well that’s just a non-fix… or blizzard can just correct the aggro tables and avoid most of the issues.