HC official Solo Self Found

I can’t speak for Asma but personally, no I wouldn’t. I just wouldn’t play them because that doesn’t appeal to me, and there’s nothing stopping me from continuing to play the way I enjoy on other servers.

You’ve never answered - what would be so terrible about making an exclusive SSF guild on the new HC servers? You have the basic infrastructure and dedicated environment to support HC, which is a win. Then you can play SSF and chat with all your guildies playing in the same environment and by the same rules. The only difference is there are other people playing by very similar but slightly less ‘hardcore’ rules on the same server.


I have insider knowledge that tells me there will nothing beyond what we are getting right now: Hardcore WoW will not include SSF, ever. There will be no PVP HC server either.

Make due with what you’re going to get.


There you go. you had to say all of this and all of that to finally get to your main point that “what we want isn’t important”. Thank you for the confirmation.

What we want may not be important to you, but it is to us. You may or may not respect that. Your life your choice. BUT, you can’t tell me what should be important to me and what shouldn’t. Got it? have a good one.

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Yea, well majority rules.

Right. And the the community on this specific matter is about 50/50. 50% of ppl want SSF 50% don’t.

Have question about the source of data? read above posts. There are about 30-40 posts on that. So if you start now you may finish reading in the next 30-45 minutes.

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I’m sure you think it’s 50/50 bud… :rofl:

Show us specifically where they ever said this.

The vast majority of people knew they weren’t going to adopt rule sets that negated half the systems in the game.

At this point you’re just coming off as a child that is kicking and screaming because not everything went their way.

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Go read the post kiddo. I like your persistence that no matter how many times you get destroyed in an argument you keep coming back :stuck_out_tongue:

Go read the posts and if you still have questions feel free to write em down. But if I see you typing in another 3 minutes or 5 I will know you didn’t read them and then I’ll get upset. Go :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do you understand how addons are created and updated?

They are third party creations, it’s up to the addon creator to update a version that is compatible.

Please, get a grip.

This is a little rich when you are cherry picking which posts to reply to. Judging from your writing style, though, you’re probably in your mid-teens and aren’t discussing in good-faith, anyway.

Quite possibly you are right. But they also told us “You’ll never get it” when we asked for classic about a decade ago. Later on they even told us “You think You want it, but you don’t”. But we finally got it after years of fighting. So you never know for sure. But you know that you’ll never get if you don’t try and you may if you do. Thanks for the post anyway.

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Let me guess, you are trying to use the forum as a measure of popularity of your opinion? :rofl:

I don’t have questions, I’m just trying to figure out why you are making an issue out of nothing. The rules are there and to be frank, you don’t have to follow them to play the way you want to play.

I apologize if I missed a post you wrote. Nothing personal. There is quite a lot to answer. And I kinda wished I was in my mid-teens. Though, I’d kinda prefer mid-20s as they were finer years.

But you m8 (said it cuz you aussies use that a lot) retreated back to your spell checks and language analysis resorts and that’s the definition of bad-faithing in an argument as it simply indicates that you don’t have anything logical and useful to post on the related topic. Disappointed.

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I was trying to engage with you sincerely as evident in many of my posts asking you questions and suggesting constructive outcomes but if you just want to be childish and racist, I’ll see myself out.

You’re probably doing yourself a massive favor, he is rigid and unyielding.

He doesn’t want to have an open discussion, he just reverts to sarcastic dribble and forcing his agenda onto you with no sound logic. He’s practically begging for the mods and everyone to endorse his way of playing because he wants his personal way of playing to be “official” and he thinks it’s a 50/50 split… :rofl:

:astonished: Racist !? what part of that was racist dude !? You gotta be kidding me… I was genuinely trying to be cool n friendly…

I’ll go back and read your posts see if asked me any questions that I didn’t answer.

Edit- okay I guess I found your question:

Absolutely nothing. That’s exactly what we have now on BB. The main one is named HC Elite. A SSF guild in an RP server. However, that is kinda not related to this topic. The purpose of the official server was to remove the need of the addon and puts all the rules in server side, so we don’t have to use the addon anymore. That was the whole purpose of the official HC server. Some people confuse official HC with a fresh vanilla server. Consequently, they don’t care about the rules since they just want the fresh part of it.

I am happy Blizzard is already putting in some of the rules there. I’d like all the rules to be there. But unlike some other people on this thread I don’t want to force my rules to everybody. Thus I’d prefer to have a separate SSF server or an SSF Mode on the same server. Does it makes sense to you?

Let me know if I missed any other question you asked.

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For me because Leveling is required.

If there was a “HC” Endgame, I’d do it.

w/e im done explaining how non SSF servers will end up.

im aware that it wont happen but i even asked for a seperate SSF server. like i dont give a singular f wether u or any other softcore plays with me on the same server.

Who said this? Or is this just what you wanted the HC realm to be?


Sadly this is true and some even did admit that.

It will be the same mess like with Vanilla in 2019. So many people made a char there, because they wanted a new start, but the majority didn´t care about Classic. When cloning became a thing, 90% of the playerbase moved to TBC.

The result were dead realms and the same fate the HC realms will have. I am sure on release Blizzard will open many realms, with the Softcore ruleset they have in mind and a few weeks / months later, they will all be dead, as Cata or new Era shows up.

Classic, HC… should be tailored to the likes of those that identify with these settings and not some tourists just looking for a new kick.

Those that want a fresh start, should play on Era, we have so many realms with hardly more than 100 people online, just make your char there.