HC official Solo Self Found

I am pretty sure I read somewhere that Blizzard is planning on adding a SSF at some future point to HC official.

Whether this is gonna be a new server or a mode in the same server, it needs to come with the release of HC offical.

Adding that mode later on is kinda pointless because guilds have already chose their path n people are deep in their journey by then.

So Blizzard, even if it means you need to delay HC, do it but release SSF with HC n not with a future patch.




I agree they should add the mode on launch without reliance on the addon


It’s on the test server and they have a schedule.
They didn’t end SoM early to allow them to get in on Wrath pre-patch.
I doubt they’ll delay now.

No need really since ssf is a personal choice which you can achieve with your own strength/self control.
Best of luck!


I feel like it’s either just use the addon, or there’s an achievement with maybe a title at the end of it.

You can, there is no need like many have said. Thanks for helping us get it though as you claimed in another post! <3

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Persistant personal attacks and name calling are not appropriate. Please refrain and address issues.


Someone needs a nap. Why so Joe Pesci, fella?

:: Hands you a snickers bar ::


Thankfully you don’t represent the majority of the hc community. This is why people dislike playing with us though, this attitude. Glad that some of this will get isolated to a new server. Sorry for those that are kind, I don’t mean ya’ll.


I am a roleplayer on Bloodsail and I definitely know it’s not all hc players.
It’s just mean people and unfortunately they’re everywhere.
Hardcore game mode should be inclusive to allow differing challenge play to coexist.
Or in Blizzard’s terms - play nice.


I’m glad someone else sees it. I was dissatisfied at 60. We know there’s just the random sours screaming at the sky

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They said they were NOT going to unless players demonstrated that they wanted it added. And if it was added, it would be in a later patch to official servers. It’s not hard to read what they said on Wowhead or anywhere else before you make people think they are planning to add SSF when they actually have no plans to do so.


prepare to be even more dissatisfied @ 60 :slight_smile:
I won’t be playing if this watered down baby soft server is all we get, but I will laugh hard @ the vids of complete noobs to wow ruining raids

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Have fun watching other people play games.


They do that now on bsb. Have you watched any death clips? People with 4 key binds and Mis clicking health pots.

At least on official there will be more than 8 60s

lmao are you legit trying to shame people for watching streams and vids?

I said to have fun? Enjoy friend.


Okay that’s not far off of what I said… Obviously there is a huge interest in ssf. All i am saying is that if they are gonna add it, it should be at launch not later on.


For real, do you guys have an SSF petition going? If ya’ll band up and actually have one together you all get behind maybe something like that would happen? Being serious, since its constant bickering in the forums. Uniting together and organizing is going to be much better than this constant back and forth between the playerbase.

Trying to be positive on that, someone should organize something if its not up.


Agreed. Personally I’m not petitioning for pure SSF though I’d like to see something given to the community who wants it. Maybe a title, tabard, or something.

Believe it or not I like most of the rules that Blizz has announced for this. I just feel mail and bank alts will ruin the game economy long term. Would like to see some sort of timer or character level rule implemented here to prevent/slow this.

The reason we’re on these forums is to have our voices heard, because Blizz says they are listening to the community.

The bickering I’m noticing is coming from the “softcore” players (for lack of better term). If you don’t like someone voicing an opinion, don’t try to shut them down on their thread. Let people converse and brainstorm solutions other than “you can stay on BsB you Addon Andys”. It’s toxic and a circular conversation.

I’d love to hear more ideas people may think would be good for the game. Period.