HC official Solo Self Found

if they don’t add it at launch then it’s ogre.
nobody is going to care about muh self found trophies and titles in some future far off “classic era hardcore” patch.
so disappointed. this is just how it goes though. the OGs make the thing, and a bunch of follower leeches come in and do w/e they want with it, no respect at all for the people who actually put in the blood, sweat, and tears :expressionless:


Right like riding the coattails of Ironman.

The OGs were doing this 12 years ago.


No-one cares about gatekeeping nerds with their add-on.

Protip: nobody cares about them now, either.

But that really epitomises the issue, doesn’t it? For the SSF fanatics this isn’t about having fun, it’s about clout.

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Runescape still does it, too, doesn’t it? Their Ironman Mode players are on the same servers as everyone else?

Nope you aren’t the victim here try as you might.
Freedom to choose is not equivalent to something being forced on you. Playing with more restrictions is totally possible on official servers.

Yall just dont want to share and that’s sad.
All are welcome to play their version of hardcore on the official servers as the rules stand now.
You’re intent on segregation with an additional ruleset server or not allowing anyone to play until you get that segregation on the servers Blizz has already planned.

Servers as announced are fine and allow all to play.
Keep asking for your separate server since all playing together is so terrible and sharing sucks.


LOL, and you are not saying that because what Blizzard has announced suits your mediumCore ideas. Surely not right? You’d play the SSF with love and share joy with others. So based on that you have to play what Blizzard gives you and never ask for anything more or less. And you expect me to not to complain and request for what I want which is what many others want. With your mindset we would never get Classic, since Blizzard decided to go with retail crap and ignore people like me for years…

Would you play HC official if Blizzard would decide to go with only SSF and full addon support ? Wouldn’t you come here and ask for trading/AH/grouping and etc. to be allowed ?

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Yea but the way the servers are currently set up allow for both sides of the argument to get their way. You have your solo SSF or you can play what you keep calling “mediumcore”, no one is stopping you… you are just making this an issue, when there is no issue.

No you got what you wanted, we didn’t. Doubt you read the posts. There is no support of SSF at the moment in the official HC. Not sure what makes you think we did. Read the notes again.


They didnt ban the addon, you got support.


The addon is alive and well. Also, since when did y’all need someone to tell y’all how to play? SSF doesn’t need support… just play by yourself at all time, duh.

Well then you can play your mediumCore version by yourself too right ? Or is it only us that have to play it by ourselves with no official support? What makes you special so you get it they way you want and we don’t and aren’t even allowed to ask for it?

If we were gonna do it ourselves why would we need an Official HC server at all ? The whole point of official HC is to remove the need to rely on addon and move the rules to the server side instead of client side.


I can play Hardcore by myself and I can also play SSF if I want to as well.

You do have official support for hardcore, SSF is your choice, they don’t need to support your specific choices… you also don’t need the app to SSF either. You’re turning a plane into olympus mons dude.

Oh okay so you are one of those against official HC as a hole. You don’t see a point in having an official HC. Okay that’s a view point. This post is for people who want an official HC and don’t want to do it by themselves and just moral codes. I respect your views. Thanks.

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I do want official HC and that is what we’re getting… I don’t know where you are getting all this from.

But you said you can play hardcore by yourself ? That indicates you don’t care about a server with rules, cuz you can do it yourself. So do you care about a server with rules or not ? You may need to think a little more before you start writing, cuz it looks like that you don’t know what exactly you want yourself.

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You really aren’t a bright one. :man_facepalming:

You are the one crying out for SSF… don’t trade or use the auction house, act like an adult, you don’t need your hand held all the time.

Okay again, so you don’t care about a server with rules, Cuz we are adults, we can do it ourselves right ?

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So, again… you’re making an issue out of nothing. You are the toddler at the store who is freaking out because his mother won’t buy him the toy he wants. The rules are perfectly fine as they are… you have an issue with them, your personal wants aren’t what’s important.