Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

Personally I like M+ being a source of gear. It allows people to find a spot and do content without needing to get into a guild and work their way into a raid team.

If raids were the only source of gear, I don’t think I would play this game

Why is m+ being a source of gear good? If there is less gear to go around, the result is that the expectations for people to have gear are less.

People are not asking for raids to be the only source of gear. Mostly either to tune down M+, tune up raids or split them off or some mix.

Hm, thinking on how split it - cause I also hate multiple gear sets. M+ drops loot that scales down in raid. How to bring it up to full power: using trophies (like pvp conquest stuff.) That allow it to function at full power.

M+ will drop loot, and m+ trophies (for raid gear.)

Raid will drop loot, and raid trophies for m+ gear.

Not a fan of having that type of system doesn’t go hard enough and systems like that are prone to bad tuning and don’t really fix all the problems. Too mild.

It would essentially split the mode off. (Not entirely cause trinkets and secondaries.)

If you are not capable of heroic/mythic raid, you won’t have ilvl equivalents from sources outside of it.

I would just not rather have a trophy system. I don’t see why you’d do it. Just make M+ and raids drop more in their specific content and split them if youre gonna split them.

Because multiple gear sets are a pain. This alleviates that. And if someone wants to do all content, that’s three gear sets.

I think with a decent new UI for gear that it wouldn’t be a problem and would alleviate that issue greatly. If you don’t have a bis set for each it means that doing one content can make it better in the next one which removes the point of splitting them off.

The diablo 4 approach with weapons, Kinda? Like a barbarian can equip 4 weapons at the same time.

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Rather I think the current M+ levels for loot rewards are too lenient…

If a we changed the unlock thresholds to:

  • +25 = 489 vault
  • +20 = 480 vault
  • +16 = 472 vault
  • +11 = 466 vault
  • +10 = 463 vault
  • +6 = 455 vault
  • +2 = 447 vault
  • Heroic = 441 vault

Right now I am getting upgraded-to-489 vault options despite never having done a +20… In this case it’s rather disappointing how easy it is to get maxed gear…

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Just have a UI with multiple gear sets that switch depending of the content/spec you play and doesn’t clutter bag space.

Had the same idea.

At the very least heroic raiders lose massively. If you are a raiding guild but don’t have the roster nor “skill” required for Mythic raiding you are in limbo because of M+. The sole purpose of running heroic raids is mostly for a few trinkets, maybe a weapon or two if it has a special effect. After that all your gear can easily be substituted with m+ gear.

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I don’t think the vaults themselves need to be changed per say only the tippy top one. The things I would change would be making affixes hard again. They’ve severely made Mythic+ easier overtime and then you make it so that you must do a 20 for Myth vault and 20s are the only vaults that drop Hero gear instead of 18s.

Except for 3 trinkets off Fyrakk (1 tank, 1 dps, 1 heal trinket) the raid loot caps out at 489, same as M+ gear.

The upgrade system took the “raids drop the highest ilvl” argument and blew it out of the sky.

The obstacle there is how much M+ players cry and cry and cry about how hard the affixes are.

The current thinking espoused by many M+ enthusiasts is that affixes shouldn’t even make the dungeons harder, that affixes should just buff and heal everyone.

It’s absurd.

For people pushing keys above 20, wanting to nerf the bosses by 10-20% just so they can time. (And their desire has nothing to do with key parity purposes either.)

Maybe go down a few levels, or five.

Not great when key is already at +30, and they want it even easier. Whereas others are only at +28.

Look at this comprehensive list: Murozond's Rise Changes

Why does one need to be a worse gear path than the other?

You tell us. Why does raiding have to be a worse gear path, like it is now?