Half the Playerbase is gone?

Legion was the last expansion Khadgar played before unsubbing.


Belluar has this nasty habit of claiming everything is wonderful, everything is great and if it isn’t wonderful, God gets quite irate.


What good would suggesting changes do, when Blizzard doesn’t even acknowledge any?


Bellular says a lot.

He sure does doesn’t he? He works hard to keep them lights on. Almost as bad as Rhykker got when Diablo 3 died. They both have top rate showmanship though they are entertaining and that’s what they set out to do.

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Belluar talks a lot. Not necessarily the same thing. Quite the opposite actually.

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They are quitting because content is old . Even ill be leaving in 2 weeks and coming back in 9.1.That doesn’t mean the game is dying or anything


Being fair here… he actually has videos with 20+ mins of criticism towards their systems but this expansion isnt the case because he basically raid logs he’s playing the game for what? 2-3 hours per week until next week?

That’s not even enough to understand what’s going on with the systems in general he clearly lacks investing the time to understand where the feedback is coming from. I think he’s too focused on numbers right now and not on the reasoning behind why the numbers are dropping.


I mean yes wow is making good money but it coils be from all the token sales that whales buy so they use the gold from selling tokens for carry. The actual number of sub might be down and whales is keeping the game afloat so of whales stop playing wow might be in the red.

It also lumps Classic together, of which there are still a huge amount of players who solely play Classic.

That is kinda the point. He pretends to be of the people, but all he understands is numbers.

He could make 40+ minute videos per day, but in the end he could say that he is schilling (see what I did there) for a particular company in 4 mins tops, 4 1/2 with his cheezy ads.

They’re still training them. That was the team making tortollan-themed coding tutorials in BfA. This expansion they’ve upgraded them to working on Flappy Bird.


He has the ingratiating manner of a slimy car salesman. I cannot stand his ticks, mannerisms, voice or physical appearance.

He actually repulses me.


This is both hilarious and sad

Anecdotally, I don’t remember getting Keystone Conquerer during other patches with so little gained-through-dungeon gear to show for it.

Edit to add: the only piece of gear that was from a dungeon is my chest, from a +12.


When i used to watch Taliesen during one of his reviews of a book or cinematic the guy is in his zone. You can look into his eyes and you can see he is really enjoying what he is doing. Then you see him shilling… you look into his eyes and he is dead there. Or in that video when he tried going after Asmondgold. you watching him and its like is this guy on drugs or something. Like his soul is gone and hes some sort of puppet shill creature


I think the conclusion from those ‘in the know’ is don’t count on patches to rejuvenate monthly subs for various reasons like first impressions, saturation, etc.

Iow, patches generally result in lower highs as the xpac ages.

Honestly do you call 9.05 a patch? it’s more of a hotfix that they could do on any weekly maintenance. It’s a bunch of buffs and nerfs.


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I’d believe it’s down. I’m down to playing roughly a few hours a week just to get my renown done. Once that is done I will be unsubbed unless my wife starts to play this week and I play with her. I’d be back for TBC though.

9.05 isn’t much of a reason to stick around and 9.1 hasn’t really impressed me.

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I even tried to edit the post AND the title showing it’s a youtube video from Bellular, and it got flagged AGAIN for “spam”?

lol pathetic. If you don’t like the topic, don’t read the post. Nah, try and get me silenced instead.


sadly its the way of things now.