Half the Playerbase is gone?

Thank you for reminding me that people that aren’t Blizzard saying anything about the playerbase numbers changing is not really all that useful.

No offense OP, but even something like Superdata which i question it’s legitimacy in where it gets it’s sources and i’m not going to take it as canon yet on it being an indicator of WoW’s subs, or really anything for that matter, since, if it does have numbers, it’s pretty relative and not absolute.

I never get why people also do this speaking on behalf of the playerbase on what’s good or bad for them. “Oh this will be good for the playerbase” or “Oh this will cause subs to drop”, “Half of them are gone” etc and etc. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I dont know why but this is so funny hahaha

The “spam” category includes “advertising”, which is what this thread is. That’s the issue.

Had you added any of your own thoughts, or if you had just typed “Bellular had a video saying [X] do you think that’s accurate?” without the clickbait link, that would be one thing.

But just posting a video is advertising.

It still works unfortunately.

Guess living without heat and running water in a Third World country might be playing a part in that too. Thoughts and prayers to them (or whatever the throwaway shrug quip is in those parts).

Whatever. I meant no malice with my post. I was just sharing his thoughts and that’s all. I wasn’t advertising him or his channel.

I’ll go back to almost never posting anything, since this is the response I get.


No, no, no, no, no. :raised_hand:

By all means, post whatever opinion, thoughts and/or idea you have here. What’s the problem that people had with your post is instead of explaining your opinion/thought(s) and having the video to be an addition to better elaborate your points or provided as a source, you’re using the video as the sole explanation of your thoughts and opinions.

That and the thread that begins with a title called “Belluar says”, which implies these aren’t yours thoughts/opinions/ideas to begin with. Which to some, just comes across as advertising.

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I cant say im permanently gone, but im definitely playing other more solo friendly mmos, SWTOR in particular. My hopes of a solo path to gearing and progression to ilevel cap died when torghast was rendered lootless. And my only other option raiding? Arcane mages are being benched in heroic, so im out there too. And no, i dont think its right i have to respec just to be competitive in raid dps meters.


Definitely agree


Maybe now they’ll understand the game is bad and fire Ion.


Since raiding is by far the worst gearing method of the three (PvP, M+, raiding), I’m really not sure why you would even say this.

I feel you.

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Cuz its my only other option. I dont do PVP, and I dont do Timers.

They will never admit they made mistakes. They’re too arrogant and full of themselves.


Sigh. Sadly, I know. It just makes me sad to see the state of the game I loved so much.


Absolutely. Playing Classic rekindled what was lost years ago, when we played a game whose creator had actual passion and cared about its players and the game as a whole. Who didn’t use it solely as a cash cow, and intentionally punish players by developing bad, anti-fun systems purely to make things take longer for more revenue and play time to boast about.


Unless they have access to internal Blizzard data, their conclusions are going to be based on supposition and guess work. Seeing their methodology would be helpful in determining their accuracy but I doubt they’d ever be that transparent.

They did give Blizzard a huge boost when they reported the humongous increase in monthly subs for WoW Classic back in 2019. So people who pumped Blizzard based on their findings back then can’t question their findings now.

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Thread is named “half of the playerbase is gone?”

Nelson website states, “From November to January, revenue fell by 61% and user numbers declined by 41% (these figures do not include China).”

41% isn’t half, but I am rather surprised at that number.

(No, Im not the doom and gloom type, just commenting on what I see.)

All the suggestions have been made, all the constructive feedback has been given, many times over. Devs do what they want to do because they want to do it, not because players haven’t come up with an incredibly amazing plan to fix the game.


Remember how players spend an insane amount of time testing and giving constructive feedback throughout the beta (and, it came out, alpha and through official channels), and it was virtually all ignored by Blizzard? Like every expansion?

So many devs would kill for that kind of testing - but Blizzard takes it for granted even though players do it for free. And then they don’t even use the testing, and the result is every bad scenario the testers warned of come to pass and Blizzard acts shocked and like this was unheard of.


There are actually lots of ways to calculate this, without supposition and guess work. I’ll try to help with the methodology.

For example: the developer API put out by blizzard accidentally had subscription end dates. If you have the end date, you know it’s a subscription. IE 2 million end dates means theres 2 million subs. 4 million end dates is 4 million subs. Etc etc.

For another example: Character last log in is an available metric to track, and track it they do. Since characters linked to a user account is also a metric you can, by analyzing collected data over time, see that an account has had no characters log in since a certain date. While it is possible that someone is paying to not play the game for an extended period of time, that’s most likely not the case and the account is not currently subbed.

There are more, just think about the data that IS available and think of what it means.

Finally and to me most damning… Blizzard does not release it’s subs.
If multiple sites on the internet that track data and publish findings say your company is not doing good, and that your expansion is failing, and you have the ability to immediately and irrefutably correct them… You would do it.

Because having investors and money is a thing that companies like, and perception as a great game maker is important to that.

So… why aren’t they?