Half the Playerbase is gone?

Bellular literally wet himself about how good the next xpac was. He was wetter than Taliesen and Preach, and they were both wetting themselves over the new xpac. They were all kinda pathetic, but funny at the same time. At least Taliesen is British, so he has an excuse.


The hype has resonated strongly with elite players.

That’s the thing I am having fun …but these threads are not helping things in fact I am afraid they are just speeding things up. If we HONESTLY wish to keep this game alive …instead of focusing on the negative we should be bombarding blizzard with suggestions to improve the game.


Well what is actualy going right at the moment with wow?

Covenants: Wich is the main sink of long term content boils down to an extra action button that takes over half the classes. Such a fail when they tied in weeks/months of your in game cosmetic goals. If you have no interests in your covenants because you picked what makes you more powerful its all a colossal waste of development.

Dungeons: Difficulty went through the roof, aoe cap tossed half the classes in the garbage. Now the impassible I.O. requests are for the lowest and most unnecessary of key groups.

No tanks because you have to know every pull in the dungeon and their abilites/dmg or you get wrecked. You have to know a rout that is destroyed by one butt pull because of Prideful affix being 5 single point failures. Then everyone gets no loot for their trouble or its an item level that doesn’t truly help you do the content. (Tank responsibility is for 90% of a run right now)

Raid also still gives no loot and is a time sink of worthlessness.

Pvp gives you exactly what you work for so everyone and their dog is piled in it and the carry sales makes the low rankings a huge meat grinder.

The vault lets you see up to 3 months of terrible RNG in one go. I get boots and gloves like I’m a centipede every week without fail and have taken stygia too many times.


I want to know is how is your post offensive that it needs to be flagged. also Bellular pumps out videos like no tomorrow. its his bread and butter. So this might be one that is to shock so that he gets veiws. now if true i am kinda not suprised but i do hope things will get turned around

this is a doomsayer post with a doomsayer link, i like clickbait youtube links without stating facts, the raid is over 7 weeks old so there will be a dropoff of heroic raiders that got aotc and are playing seldomly till next changes, then you got people that played well during the hype of the new expac and they will come back always, they are just taking a little break, nothing wrong with that, but these doomsayers make it like its the end of the world stuff and its really stinking thinking to think that way, yes shadowlands is not perfect, but what expansion was, even wowlk and bc had mistakes, face it people just like to complain, usually when they have nothing more to say, why not make a video how to better your playing experience in m+ like most warriors i know don’t even know how awesome spell reflect is in m+ now, they don’t even use it on certain boss fights, let’s face it, people wanted a dumbed down game cause they got limited time to play the game, sorry but this game will be grindy, deal with it, don’t like it too bad


I’m somewhat confused when people say the systems are complicated.

What systems? Not soulbinds/conduits/covenant, not legendaries, they’re both incredibly straight forward.

This is the most simple expansion they’ve had since Mists.

honestly i can not watch taliesen.


Man this is Bellular’s ultimate strategy, one video saying the game is doing well, players are mostly happy, the next video says everything is so grim, players are quitting, people are not happy.

It has been the same with the previous expansion as well. It is his way of getting the views.

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could be worse, I could have mentioned the bald guy with bad hygiene that you do not disrespect on GD. Not without getting a load of feedback anyhow.

Then how do you suggest we improve them? Because I have yet to see make a suggestion to make the game better.

nuts trying to think of which bald guy with bad hygiene. think theres a couple of them. Asmongold i can stomach. Sighsofkalani i feel is really good

Kelani talks out of his nasal cavity, the bald guy with the bad hygiene talks out of another orfice.


LOL :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Patch will come out and suddenly a bunch more to do. It’s always like this.

Stop moaning.1

This isn’t an excuse. There are countless people at way more risk in their job who are working as hard or harder than they were before the pandemic.

In fact, I recall the excuse for the long delay on WoD was due to hiring a huge group of new devs, and the 6+ month delay was to train them. Then WoD hit, and, well… yeah. Obviously that was bull.


[x] doubt.

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First of all loot IS personal progress. The RNG is the counter for high loot drops. Have you tried targeting a peace of loot from a dungeons. Its 40 some runs to get it. 10-15 to actually see loot. So up the dam drop rate. The already lowered the item level from them so they hardly help you with the content your doing.

Covenants? They bungled that. Your locked in. Soo many people I know are in them for the button. They don’t farm anima for anything, they don’t care about the sets, they don’t care for the mounts. So it was wasted content that they can’t unbuckle because of Soul binds. So the time sink grinds are dead for huge swaths of the player base.

The loot problem is swamping pvp. Its the only place that respects your time. Fix the raid & dungeon loot drops and you would reduce the influx you have. Also bring back the firkin coin rolls if things are gona be this way. Coins were as much control as the great vault.

You start with those things. Then you actualy fix the classes that have needed revamps from BFA destroying them. Last you revert the GCD change so classes feel just a little bit better to control.


I actually made a thread to try to get people to suggest changes so far all it has been bombarded with is trolls.

Bellular seems he havent really rolled any alts or tried to switch covenants then he would understand how bad things are.

But he claims he “raid logs” so he will never understand what is like so far. His feedback while I see where it comes from it’s not the entire picture.