Half the Playerbase is gone?

I never claimed WoW was dead, nor did I say I was quitting.

I posted a YouTube video from Bellular (a widely known WoW YT-er) saying that the game is hurting.

I don’t want it to hurt, or die. I want them to DO BETTER, so everyone comes back!


Some people lose interest in a game that is natural but just because they lose interest does not mean the game is dying or dead.

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Again…never said it was.

And 41% subs gone in a little over 3 months isn’t normal. It’s catastrophic.

I truly am saddened by this news if it’s accurate, because I love WoW and want it to succeed.


Now if only the devs had decided to make a game that was fun, engaging, and rewarding… Nah, must be that the playerbase has changed.


Wrong casuals kept this game alive for year and years and are the higher majority of people that played this game. Hence they are leaving and this game is reflecting that atm. Blizzard are paying big time for it too. And stocks did take a nose dive as well.


And plans aren’t promises. No matter what they say they’re planning, we could still wind up with another selfie patch.

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Those 41% were ones who subbed when the Covid Pandemic was in full swing. Now that the Pandemic is winding down they are unsubbing in preparation to get back to normal socialization.

You see a drop I see normalization.

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Please never start your own business.

Lost money is bad. Making excuses for it happening is also bad.


They announced honor gear, and players who remembered how honor gear used to work bought the expansion and gametime, only to find what we have in no way resembles honor gear of the past.

They announced a return to valor, and it turns out it won’t be very much like the past. Upgrades will be very slow and you’ll only be able to upgrade gear that you earn after the patch, which has given people who do mythic+ reason to stop playing until that is implemented.

I can’t wait to see what’s going to be up with that “wod-style PvP gearing”.

You are guessing.

The numbers are from months ago. Is the game population up or down now. Are people more excited about the game or less than they were back then?

My guess is that there are fewer subscribers now than there were when that data was current, based on my friends list, which has nobody on it that hasn’t been there for a long time.


That money was always going to be temporary and likely it was more than 41% that initially subbed.

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Wrong most are casuals that have been stabbed in the back by Blizzard. You sound like Ion now. Covid to blame for everything once it was DDOS attacks they blamed now they have moved on to Covid as the excuse.


So what your saying is it is hopeless then …the ship is sinking and we all jump overboard now while we have the chance.


If someone could elucidate: why does a .5 patch signify a bad start?

Not all will Blizzard Employee’s have to continue to keep this sinking ship alive it’s their jobs on the line atm.

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I don’t think the number is really a concern.

Patch 9.1 clearly being a long ways away is a bit more of a concern, though.

It’s obvious sub numbers plummeted. Why else do you think they suddenly made a 9.0.5 patch where loot got buffed. For ion to go back on his word of “let loot be loot” to “here is some more loot” it is quite telling.


Every player who drops their subscription is a huge loss in profit. People who no longer play don’t buy mounts or pets in the store. Especially they don’t buy tokens to fund paid carries for gear.

If what you’re saying is correct, then they’re losing ALL the covid subscribers as well as a big chunk of regular subscribers, so it’s even worse.

I hope there are more than 2 content patches this xpac. I can see why people left - feels a bit stale but the WQs are fun.

So what is the point then. The writing is on the wall and we just jump ship now.

If you’re not having fun playing the game, why are you here? To white knight on the forums as your end game?

I have things to do in old content. Others are running out of things to do and unsubbing.