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Recruitment is still open for healers and dps. Original post shows what we are looking for. Our last raid for the year is tonight 21/12/23 as we will go on break until the new year. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and hope everyone stays safe over these holidays.

We downed another Heroic boss last night so now sitting at 4/9H. We are looking for dedicated healers and dps at this stage that can fit right into their role in our community. We are aiming for AOTC.

Christmas break is here as well and we will not be raiding with our team until the new year. We hope everyone stays safe and has an amazing Christmas and New Years Eve.

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What dps or roles are you looking for? I am a 468 ilvl destro lock.

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DPS roles - Balance Druid, Elemental Shaman, Augmentation Evoker, Devastation Evoker, Warlock
Healing - Restoration Druid, Discipline Priest
Tanking - no roles available at this stage (unless for M+)

All contact info is in the Original Post.

We are still recruiting for the following roles:
Discipline Priest, Restoration Druid, Augmentation Evoker, Destruction Evoker (either with a preservation OS) we will be continuing our journey towards AOTC on Thursday 4th Jan. All contact info is in the original post.

Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and stay safe.

Sab, Asha & Hakoda.

We are still looking for a Restoration Druid and/or Preservation Evoker, Augmentation Evoker, Destruction Evoker and Warlocks.

We are back to progression on Thursday night 4/1 and all contact info is in the original post.

We look forward to chatting with you

We are still looking for the following classes and specs for our progression raid family.

Disc priest, 2 x Augmentation Evoker, Destruction Evoker.

All our contact info is in the original post and we are back raiding tonight (Thurs 4/1) at 6:30pm server time.

We have taken out a new boss and working towards out AOTC achievement with an amazing team. If you are an Augmentation Evoker or a Preservation Evoker or Restoration Druid and you can raid the times we do then we want to hear from you!! We are preparing for the next expansion and love our community.

Contact us using the information in the original post.

Another boss succumbs to our Raiders, we are now 7/9H. AOTC is within reach! Come join us and have some fun and adventures.

All our contact information is in the original post and we look forward to hearing from you.

We would love to hear from any Augmentation Evokers and Mages that can make our raid times of Thursday and Monday 6:30pm server time onwards.

All contact information is in the original post.

We are building an amazing community here at Squirrely Inc. We all look out for each other and help each other. We can’t wait for the next expansion as we will be hitting the ground running.

We are currently searching for a well rounded rogue for raid. All other classes/specs welcome for M+, PvP or even just for community.

Our contact info is in the original post.

463 boomy/cat looking to raid! Any room for druids lmk!

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We would happily accept you into Squirrely Inc :slight_smile:

Just send me a btag fr or discord fr (let me know who you are so I dont go who are you) lol

Bumping the post with new information from the community.

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Still recruiting for PvP, Mythic+ any consistent dps for raid progression and any casual raiders and social beings. Come have a chat with us today :smiley:

We are still recruiting for S4 and the next expansion. If you are looking for your home within wow that are like a second family then Squirrely Inc is the place for you.

We are still recruiting for S4 and upcoming Xpac. Still looking for dps that would complement our current members and raid team and pvp players. Contact details are in original post. We look forward to having a chat and welcoming you to Squirrely Inc.

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We are recruiting for S4 and The War Within (exp) to fill slots in our raiding team as well as M+. Currently looking for a warlock, mage, death knight and any other good consistent dps. We are also looking for a Disc priest with a dps os. All contact details are in the OP.

We have VoI N 7/8 down going back for Ras tonight and to start on Heroic version. Looking for a rogue, death knight and warrior or any other good consistent dps. Looking for more tanks for M+ groups during the week. Contact details in the OP.

We are super interested in either a Resto Druid or Discipline Priest for our Raiding Team and also a Protection/Fury Warrior.

Players need to be able to commit to both Thursday and Monday nights from 6:30pm server time.