Veteran Returning for 1 or 2 night raid LF Guild

Hi there,

I am former C/E and top 100 player returning to play casually. Have played past few seasons casually but miss raiding and playing as part of a team.

I live in NZ so latest I could start is around 7 AEST.

I have played all roles but mainly tank for nearly 15 years at a high level.

Just wondering what is out there. Im happy doing heroic clears a week with a fun group :slight_smile:

Let me know!

Can add me on Disc - whitt.
Or BNET - Whitt#11587

Hi Whittdragon our guild does Heroic Raiding on a Thursday and Monday night starting at 6:30pm svt and also Normal for the casuals or new peeps on a Saturday night at 7:30pm svt.
This is our
[post]and our contact details are in there as well :slight_smile: