Tactical Death (US Area 52, Horde) is looking for raiders for Sanctum of Domination!
Who are we?
Tactical Death, previously known as Remastered, has been together since the beginning of Legion. Originally established on Llane-Arygos, we recently transferred to Area 52, hoping to find new friends to join us in our adventures. We are a Mythic raiding guild with a great community, who likes to joke around in Discord and sometimes play other games together. We are a laid-back guild, always looking to have fun, and a majority of us have gotten together at BlizzCon and other events. The core group raids twice a week, and occasionally offer runs on lower difficulties for alts, friends and family.
Other than raiding, we also spend time pushing keys and some casual PvP.
What do we offer as a guild?
- A chill, friendly and stress-free raiding environment
- A decent progression through Mythic raids for a less than 6 hours/week raiding guild
- Logs for raids
- An active Discord server with multiple channels to chat about anything (yes, including one for dank memes.)
- Flasks, feasts, repairs and vantus runes for raiders
- A chance for you to discover our amazing guild and have fun with us!
We are currently looking for:
Demon Hunter (Havoc)
Death Knight (Frost, Unholy)
Priest (Shadow)
Rogue (Any spec)
Warrior (Arms)
Warlock (Any spec)
Any tank classes will be considered
Any healer classes will be considered, preference for those with a viable DPS OS.Exceptional players who play different specs than those listed above should feel free to apply as well.
- Anyone applying for the core raid group must be able to provide logs for the current tier, or the past raid tiers if you’re a returning player.
- We expect raiders to use a boss addon (DBM, Big Wigs) every raid, as well as WeakAuras2 (WA) and in some less common cases the addon Exorsus Raid Tools (ERT).
- Discord is required. We would prefer if you had a working mic too.
- We fill our core group based on performance and the current meta. With over 20 people in the roster, we take players that can perform the mechanics/strategies properly while also doing good damage/healing. Low activity outside of raid times and low attendance are also factors we take in consideration to sit people out. We want to reward people for putting efforts into their character and encourage people to try their best every raid. We’re also trying to be fair and will try to bring people who missed a kill or need loot on a boss on farm if possible.
Raid Times
Main Raid
9pm - 11:30pm EST
This is the raid for progression, where we’ll be pushing into Normal, then Heroic and finally Mythic. We usually farm bosses if the majority needs loot, but once we’re all geared up, we’re extending on Mythic so that we can have more time focusing on progression.Sunday
Alt/Casual Raid (optional)
9pm - 11:30pm EST
In this optional raid, we bring friends, family members and alts, and we clear the current raid on Normal/Heroic.
Progression (current and past)
Sanctum of Domination (SoD)
Castle Nathria (CN)
Nya’lotha, the Waking City (NYA)
The Eternal Palace (EP)
Crucible of Storms (CoS)
Battle of Dazar’alor (BoD)
Contact List (Discord)
Roidz#0979 - Raid Leader
Hyrcyne#0405 - Officer/Recruiter
Troll#8919 - Officer