"Unbroken, and unforgiving we are the memory of the grave."
< Undercity Nexus >
“Monsters, abominations, horrors, and ungodly are but a few of the names we are called. The slings and arrows we suffer know no bounds, but do you know what we once called ourselves? Mothers, brothers, fathers, sisters, lovers, daughters, sons, soldiers, and civilians. Our Kingdoms fell, and our allies and even the very Gods failed to save us. And now, we endure against all who oppose us.”
The < Undercity Nexus > is a Forsaken rp guild with a long-standing presence in the MG RP community. This assortment of undead has been historically stationed and operated out of the Silverpine area. Though not a modern formal military, the group functions much like a medieval militia with standing defensive orders for Lordaeron’s borders proper.
- In-Game GM Contact: Banshih (whispers, discord dm, game mail welcome)
- Website & Archive Of Our Guilds RP:
- UCN Discord: https://discord.gg/fNeDvQmCTJ
- Established: 2013
- Casual pve, pvp, and RP. We participate in server RP campaigns and RP-pvp events.
- Recruiting: Forsaken / Undead of the Horde
- Minimum Level To Join: 20
- LGBTQA+ Friendly guild.
- OOC Requirement To Join: We are an adult-only guild, and require all members in our guild and anyone in our discord to be 18+ years old due to the mature nature of the guild rp.
- Do you require pve or pvp? No. We have a very laid-back approach to pve and pvp content. We also have a firm policy on players being relaxed and non-toxic while doing content. Our guild has many members who do enjoy pve and pvp, and it is easy to find people to team up.
- Do you allow undead who are not Forsaken to join the guild? At this time, our primary recruitment interest in is Forsaken using Forsken character models. However, we have a limited number of exceptional characters in the guild who rp Dark Rangers. Such characters are active and lore based. With recruitment, we look for activity and quality.
Looking good! It’s wonderful to see the UCN back in action!
Thursday nights, we host an open casual social tavern in Ambermill, Silverpine Forest. [A/H/N-RP] Whispering Pines Tavern, Silverpine Forest Social [Weekly-Thursdays]
The rotbags of UCN are back home in the Eastern Kingdoms, and recently aided in efforts in Gilneas.
Questions? Contact us in-game or on discord.
Join us every Thursday in Ambermill for Undead Tavern night! We will be there weekly at 9pm server for open casual rp, and welcome all other undead on the Horde and Neutral groups to join us.
Ahhh making me miss my Forsaken! Incredible folks in this guild!
Happy 8 year anniversary Undericty Nexus!
This week at Undead Tavern Night - NECROMANCY REPAIR SERVICES! See you there this May 20th, 2021!
Been heavily enjoying myself here
It’s a great place for Deathstalkers, Apothecaries, or Dark Rangers like myself.
The Undercity Nexus: Putting differences aside to make room for more fighting since 2013.
That bloke in the red shirt over there said we were a ‘Dead guild.’ Well obviously! We’re a guild very full of dead people.
Bumpie bump for some friendly folks~! <3 <3
Thinking of rolling a toon to join guild. What time zone are events usually scheduled? Do you take newer RPers?
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Hey there, we tend to focus our events around 8 and 9 pm server time. A lot of us are working adults in the USA. Newer rpers are just fine, as long as they are wiling to learn lore 
I roller a Forsaken, which is what I played until the last couple years. I am willing to learn. I also read most of the books. I hope to meet you soon. Thanks.
Working out whether I want to be a Mage or Hunter, or Preist when I grow up…or Warlock, lol. How does one get started woth the guild?
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First thing you want to do Aelewen is get in contact with one of our members. Banshih, Estellå, me, anyone. And we’ll get in touch with you. Once that’s done, we do an IC interview with you and we’ll get you in 
As for class, I recommend Hunter. Be a Dark Ranger like me 
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What’s your opinion when it comes to DK’s? Is it forsaken only there as well or do you welcome the other undead dk-races also?