“It’s dusty, seen better days, and the barkeep is some kind of undead, but hey the drinks hit hard and are cheap. I just refuse to eat any of the bread.” - Random Argent who found the tavern while lost, and just keeps coming back.
“This is the best roof I ever stood on.” - Reclusive Dark Ranger who refused to provide a name when questioned about being on the roof.
“The staff here are dead serious about customer service – in a good way!” - Curiously chipper dwarf Ebon Blade Knight.
Living and undead gather around and join us for a casual evening of drinks and cheer in Silverpine Forest. Join the for our weekly tavern night we have hosted since 2013! Characters will be sitting around talking, relaxing, and doing off-duty rp. This is a wonderful way to find casual rp outside the cities and meet new players.
Requirements to join? None, just show up on your character and bring an Elixar Of Tongues for cross faction rp.

- WHO: Living and Undead, Alliance / Horde / Neutral
- TIME: 8 pm CST / 9 pm EST
- DATE: Every Thursday
- Location: Ambermill Tavern in Silverpine, by the townhall (this location is being used as a proxy setting for somewhere that the Forsaken control in-game)
- Factions: Horde, Neutral, and non-hostile Alliance.
- Location should not be sharded or phased and can be reached by lowbie characters.
- Formerly undead tavern night, in light of changes in lore in the region and story our tavern night is now more inclusive.