[H-RP] Firebrand Trust is now Hiring!

Firebrand…Firebrand…where have you heard that before?

Oh yeah! That’s right! From the original company known as Firebrand Enterprises! :fire:

That’s right folks, we have rebranded! Mostly because our founder and leader V Firebrand decided it was her time to quit playing WoW and move on to the next bigger and better thing in her life! We wish her the best of luck in her travels in the great wide outside.

In the meantime, I’d like to introduce you to Firebrand Trust! Our shiny new Guild Leader is the well known, Tamani Tightclamps! We’re the same company with the same values, and Your Future is still very much Our Business!

I’m sure you’re wondering though, “What the heck does that mean?” Let me explain…

:fire: We want to help you write the stories you want to tell. When you join Firebrand Trust, you join a very active guild with a lot of people who will be more then willing to help you in almost anyway you may need!

That includes but is not limited to helping you run community events, like the Guppy Bowl, or the Seasonal Gala, or if you’re more interested in making tons of gold? We can help you do that too! Firebrand Trust is extremely versatile in what we do. You want your character to be able to go head to head with a big bad villain? We’ll help you come up with the right way to do that! You wanna make a character but you’re not sure what the backstory should be? Ask one of our officers and they’ll help you out!

The point is, you wanna do it? We’ll help you. :fire:


Here are some things you may wanna check out if you’ve gotten this far! :fire:


For more information about Firebrand Trust, feel free to leave a comment, or reach out to me directly, either in-game, or on Discord!

Sylaseia - Wyrmrest Accord





That’s a thing people still do, right? If not, then I’m bringing it back!


This is Solvic in a troll disguise and I approve of this message.


Now that’s a company I will continue support proudly!


Do you guys know how much cooler it is going to be to do accountant RP when we have glasses? DO YOU?!


We just held the Spring Gala last night, which also kind of doubled as our official rebranding announcement!

Thanks everyone for the impressive turnout and show of support. We’re already laying down promising groundwork for an even better Summer Gala, which should be even bigger and better!

Tonight’s usual raid activities are on pause while our Raid organizer takes care of some IRL related duties, but we should be back to those next week.

But tomorrow is the Gilded Market! One of the biggest market events of the month! You can expect to see a lot of us out there, along with a bunch of other guilds and independent merchants!


Hope to see you, then!

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Hello, Wyrmies, look at your guild, now back to Firebrand, now back at your guild, now back to Firebrand. Sadly, your guild isn’t Firebrand, but if your guild stopped using drama and switched to drama-free, it could smell like it’s Firebrand. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a zeppelin with the guild your guild could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s a bottle of moneybrau with two tickets to the brawl’gar arena . Look again, the tickets are now fistfulls of gold. Anything is possible when your guild smells like Firebrand Trust.

So join today! :fire:


On Sunday we met as a guild icly and oocly to discuss the future of Firebrand Trust and how things will work going forward, we had a huge turn out and I’m super excited to see what we do!

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Bump as always!

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We’re starting work on new storylines soon! You won’t wanna miss them!

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Today we continue doing old raids and dungeons together so we can unlock achievements and get some nice mogs along the way!

Aw yiss, still going strong with Firebrand. Lots on our calendar, including tonight! Our esteemed head of security is going to help lead an effort in… humanitarianism? Well, I can’t complain. A variety of activities is definitely how we roll!

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Hey all! We’re still recruiting so if you’re interested in a guild it couldn’t hurt to try us out!

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Busy weekend! Helping defend a farmstead before heading out to the Gilded Market, Future Funk Fest today. Then tomorrow, we see if Firebrand Trust can help out in the latest RP-PvP campaign and conduct a business meeting. Oh, and working on our Fire Fest booth!

We’ve also all been running a lot of Shadowlands leveling, Torghast and mythics as a group lately.

“Ew! A business company,” you might exclaim. “Run by goblins. What excitement might I, a rugged adventurer and certified tough customer, derive from such inane pursuits?”

Listen here, buttercup. As head of Firebrand Security, I can assure you, there is frequent call for us to make coin for the company, with violence!

Just this week, I was privileged to accompany Firebrand staff on two operations: A surgical strike led by one of my Security contractors to slay a leader in a depraved fleshcrafter cult (to the satisfaction of high-paying special interest groups); and a salvage operation in Northrend in which Security staff stood ready to defend personnel from our Research and Commerce branches in obtaining abandoned materials for a future project.

Bravery and ambition are rewarded in this company! Enlist-- er, apply, today! Your future is our business!

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Last week was super busy, what with the salvage mission and an unexpected encounter with gnolls. Thankfully, everyone made it out (mostly) intact and we’ve got more pieces to work on our latest secret project!

I also wanted to thank the great folks over at Succulent Tart for the great show they put on for this month’s company party! Also congrats to our costume contest and art raffle winners! Now it’s time to get hard to work on prizes in preparation for next month’s Fire Fest- in addition to the Gilded Market, new Silvermoon Market, and Seasons Exchange events!

I’ve been super excited for this weekend with the Firebrand Trust! We have combat roleplays back to back on Friday AND Saturday plus a nice business-social event on Sunday!

If you’re bored and looking for some company rp, this coming month might be the best time to get involved! A new storyline is in the works and we’ve got a lot of events for the Summer planned, so, if you don’t wanna miss out, put in an application and join us, today!

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Hey, two of my favorite goblin gals. I may have to look into reenlisting if my schedule continues to open up. Glad to hear y’all are still going strong.

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We’d be glad to have you back! Hope things have been going well.

If you’re looking for a guild to join Firebrand is the place to be! We’ve got a bunch of new things coming up!

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