Hey if you guys need us to submit applications will do, just looking for a solid guild to raid and be apart of the community along with some wpvp action.
Open to playing on any server!
Hey if you guys need us to submit applications will do, just looking for a solid guild to raid and be apart of the community along with some wpvp action.
Open to playing on any server!
Put some shoes on and head over to the alliance :’(
Hey come check us out! Would love to talk with you more in depth and hear about your expectations and goals for classic wow. Here is our guild forum where you can find our discord link and learn more about the guild. I think you will like what you find.
Thanks for the info, I’ll check this out back when I’m at home!
lol, Ducking heathens!
Infernal is recruiting for Casual PVP and Raiding on Thalnos Horde side.
Check us out!
Hey, I noticed that you’re looking for a guild that has players with experience and looks to progress. We’re going to be expanding our PvP aspects as phase 2 moves closer and closer. We’d love to have you all; you seem to be what we are looking for. Feel free to check out the post below to see if we’re a good fit for you!
Hello Chrisbillson,
Me and a few friends decided to start our own guild and would love to invite you to join us. We plan on hitting 60’s within the first week if time allows us. We are still deciding on Raiding times but It will probably be 2 times a week after 8-9 PM EST since we all have jobs. We are also planning on a lot of wPVP/BG mostly later on when phase 2 comes.
I would say we are Semi-Hardcore but everyone is welcome. We want to be a home to new/experienced/casual/hardcore players.We are on Faerlina!
If you are interested and would like to know more about us you can join our discord :
Or you can add me on discord : BlooDy#5078
Check us out.
i can appreciate this post…check out some of the guilds that have already put up post
Hey there, I also have a post out there looking for a group of people to join ours, if you have some time, I’d like to chat with you about it. Dakken#1155 is my bnet tag
If our raid times mesh with your groups schedule add me on discord: BnH247#9580 - some of our roles almost filled up so make sure to get a hold of me sooner rather than later
I’ll post a shortened version of our main recruitment post below. If you’re interested, please feel free to contact us for more information
Guild Name: Hourglass
Link to recruitment post: [H] ⌛ Hourglass | Atiesh| Hardcore | Weekend Night Raiding | 10/10 MC 1/1 Ony
General Information:Hourglass is a Horde (PvE) raiding focused guild founded by a few friends who have been playing and raiding together for quite some time; as well as to having multiple class and vanilla raiding experience. We are looking for other like-minded individuals looking to progress at a steady pace going forward for Classic raiding. However, we consider ourselves to be a hardcore/semi-hardcore raiding guild environment and raid team members will be treated as such.
Raid Times and Days: Saturday 9pm EST – 1am EST (6pm PST - 10pm PST) and Sunday 9pm EST – 1am EST (6pm PST - 10pm PST)
Server: Atiesh (pst normal server)
Loot Distribution: Loot Council
Voice Communication: Discord
Contact Information:
please feel free to contact anyone listed below to discuss joining the guild. An interview will more than likely occur. We do not do applications
Bnet: MakkachinSox#1572 or Discord: MakkachinSox#1438 : Guild Master, Ranged DPS leader, Raid Assist/Recruiter
Bnet: Synergy#1765 or Discord: Synergy#2154 : Guild Master, Lead Main Tank, Lead Raid Lead/Lead Raid Recruiter
Hey Chrisbillson, Fifteen Years Later sounds like it might be a good fit for you all! We are a semi-casual group of college/grad students looking to do wPvP, pre-made BGs and raids at end game. We are a chill and helpful group who want to have fun as a community! Our schedule is Tue/Fri 9pm-12am EST.
Let me know if you have any questions- discord:zelada#3619, btag: Zelada16#1915
Hey guys, we are a semi hardcore guild, with mixed in PvP looking for a few more to round out oyr roster. Specficially we need a warrior OT and some rogue dps. If your interested at all though give us a look/hit up our discord anytime
If still looking check us out! <ENCORE> (A) | Voted Best Alliance PvE Guild | Grobbulus (RP-PvP)
I think my guild could be a great fit for you and your fiends. Check us out [H] <Gucci> Stalagg NA-PvX Guild or PM me on Discord Zerbe#9355
Hey Chris! I am here recruiting for the guild Bound for Failure! Which is kind of a BS name since we plan to clear all content! We are a Horde PVP/PVE guild on the big server of Faerlina! We are a 2 or 3 days a week semi-hardcore raiding guild with a little emphasis on PVP! If you are interested here is the link to out guild post! <Bound For Failure> HORDE | NA | PVP| FAERLINA| SEMI-HARDCORE AND CASUAL PVE AND PVP GUILD
We hope to hear from you soon and are excited to see you in Vanilla!!
Out of curiosity have yall found a guild yet?
Chris, if you’re still looking…my group of friends have decided to go to the Incendius server (PVP-EST)
Bring Out Your Undead is a group of Real Life friends and current WoW players that are looking for people who want to play Classic and enjoy a community, while still having other commitments. We’ll be mostly playing evenings and weekends, during prime EST and CST hours. Most of us have been playing WoW/MMOs for 10+ years, with several of us having played during Vanilla.
We are a bunch of people in their late 20s, 30s, and early 40s that have been playing games most of our lives and are looking to “hook up” with people who want to eventually raid at 60, do some PvP and share stories of how screwed up adulting can be some times. If this sounds like you, reply here or add me on Discord: Dakken#5328