< Dead > is a semi hardcore (Horde) progression PvP raiding guild that was inspired by a group of real life friends that have been playing World of Warcraft since vanilla was released. We ultimately want to relive the amazing experience that vanilla provided but do it better than before. Our main focus upon creating this guild is aimed towards respect, loyalty, progression and of course, maximizing our vanilla experience.
Guild Goals
We want to build a community of players that want to learn, grow, and succeed together through each phase of Classic WoW. Our primary focus is the progression of the guild by clearing content, building PvP ranks and creating a community that is loyal in the most effective and efficient way as possible. We want to build a community of players that want to experience Classic WoW to the fullest by earning PvP ranks through organized PvP, succeed in PvE progression and more importantly support the community of the guild.
Raid Times (MST)
Friday 8:00pm - 11:30pm
Saturday 8:00pm - 11:30pm
We will have scheduled nights during the week for 5 man runs, organized world PvP and pre-made BGs when the phase is released.
Progression Goals
As a guild we want to progress efficiently through all 6 Phases of Classic WoW and so on with the expansions Blizzard will provide us. There is no expectations of getting level 60 in the first 2 weeks of starting your play time but we encourage our members to level efficiently as possible so we can begin getting our raid members in the pre raid bis and prepare to start clearing MC and being our progression. As new phases are released, we will encourage our active members to build their PvP ranks. During the specific phases of Classic WoW, there will be organized world PvP, organized pre-made BG groups for WSG, AB and AV to help our members reach their full potential of their progression in their Classic WoW experience.
Main Raid Team Spots Available
Druid - full
Hunter - low
Mage - high
Priest - high
Rogue - low
Shaman - high
Warlock - full
Warrior - low
For more information about loot distribution and expectations. Please visit our discord where you can contact us and find our guild website.
If you personally want to contact me with questions, feel free to contact me on battle tag PBruzy#11417